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2023 Good Furry Award Winners Announced

Edited by Sonious, GreenReaper
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small_WEB - Gold.pngGrubbs Grizzly has announced the winners of the 2023 Good Furry Awards, sponsored by Ask Papabear and Uncle Bear Publishing.

Winner of the 2023 Award

The winner of the 2023 award is Kite's Windswept Wanderings!

This furry has provided high quality videos of fursuits and convention experiences that inform and entertain with clear videography and narration. Highlighted in these show the care and dedication furries take with their costuming and gatherings to make memorable characters and experiences.

Honorable Mentions go to others who came close to winning this year including:

  • Chise
  • Christopher "Papa Woof" Roth
  • Beeton Nukicoon

The Lifetime Achievement Award

This year's Lifetime Achievement Award goes to Reed Waller. Reed Waller founded the publication of an APA [Amateur Press Association] furry comic, Vootie, in 1976. Working along side with his wife, the late Kate Wooley, they would later contribute their own comic, Omaha the Cat Dancer. This comic would gather renowned as being foundational in setting the tone of furry to be more mature and adult themes in their artistic settings than their the stereotyped perceptions of their funny animal counterparts which were typically seen as being for younger audiences.

To learn more about the awards, winners, and nominees, go to


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About the author

Grubbs Grizzlyread storiescontact (login required)

a self-employed writer and editor and grizzly bear from CA, interested in fursuiting, wildlife, writing and art

Born in 1965, I've been a furry since I was a little kid pretending to be a wolf from The Jungle Book (the book, not the film) or Chip from Chip and Dale. I discovered furries in the late 1980s when I stumbled on FurNation, but I didn't really start to get active until the 21st century, and, when I discovered my bear nature, started to get REALLY active, founding the BearFurries group on Yahoo, getting a fursuit from Beastcub in 2011, and writing the Ask Papabear column.