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Good Furry Awards Nominations Now Open

Edited by Sonious
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Good Furry Award.jpgNominations are now open for the 5th Annual Good Furry Awards. The awards, sponsored by the Ask Papabear and Uncle Bear Publishing, recognize furries who are active in the community and are doing things to project a positive, helpful, and friendly image of the fandom to all furries and nonfurries alike.

Anyone in the fandom can nominate one or more furries (note: nominees should be currently active in the community) now through March 31, 2023, after which there will be a 2-month period for voting. The winner receives a handsome trophy, a free banner ad on Ask Papabear, and a check for $500. Past winners include Tony "Dogbomb" Barret, Soatok Dhole, Ash Coyote, and Cassidy Civet.

There will also be a Lifetime Achievement Award announced by special committee. This award debuted last year to recognize furries who have made a lifelong impact to the fandom. Last year, the co-winners were Rod O'Riley and Mark Merlino.

To learn more about the award, go to To nominate someone, follow this link:


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We have a Facebook page now at where you can get updates

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Even though you gave the award out posthumously for the first one, I cannot nominate my husband, who passed away last May, since he is the father of Furry, Muscle. I am definitely disappointed in the whole thing.

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Tony "Dogbomb" Barrett was nominated BEFORE he died and won BEFORE he died. He just passed before actually receiving the trophy. The prize money went to the ALS Foundation. You were NEVER allowed to nominate dead people for the award.

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About the author

Grubbs Grizzlyread storiescontact (login required)

a self-employed writer and editor and grizzly bear from CA, interested in fursuiting, wildlife, writing and art

Born in 1965, I've been a furry since I was a little kid pretending to be a wolf from The Jungle Book (the book, not the film) or Chip from Chip and Dale. I discovered furries in the late 1980s when I stumbled on FurNation, but I didn't really start to get active until the 21st century, and, when I discovered my bear nature, started to get REALLY active, founding the BearFurries group on Yahoo, getting a fursuit from Beastcub in 2011, and writing the Ask Papabear column.