Tiger on the rampage in NYC.. well.. not quite.

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An untamed jungle cat - albeit a soft and cuddly one - scared the stuffing out of some suburban commuters passing through the Bronx yesterday, prompting cops and city officials to try and catch the tiger by the tail.

It wasn't too hard.

"The police wanted to know where the tiger was," said German Ortiz, 34, the super of 1194 Brook Ave. "I told them, 'It's mine, but don't worry, it's not real.'"

Read the rest of the article from the New York Daily News

New furry resource: WikiFur

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WikiFur is a new project started by Greanreaver GreenReaper, intended as a large-scale wiki specifically for the furry community.

Renart the Fox

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From Toonzone.Net: The opening film at SICAF this year was a CGI effort based on the seminal French folk tale that, I am told, inspired the story of Robin Hood. It's called "Renart the Fox," directed by Luxembourger (yes, that is a word) Thierry Schiel. Renart spends him time engaging in mischief on those who deserve it: an adulterous deer, thieving porcupines, greedy pigs, but most of all against Ysengrin the wolf, the power-hungry captain of the guard in the animal kingdom, and his master, the Royal Councillor, a donkey with his eyes on the throne. Both the Councillor and Ysingrin are constantly frustrated by the somewhat ineffectual King Noble and the rational Queen lions, who insist that Renart be given a chance to defend himself for his crimes.

When the Councillor sends Ysengrin on a quest to retrieve a Sacred Scroll with the recipe for immortality on it from the Cave of Maledictions (curses), it's only natural that in the regular course of freezing Ysingrin's tail in a lake, the scroll accidentally falls into Renart's hands, and he just as accidentally hears there's treasure at the end (though he doesn't know what). Thus begins our dashing thief's quest.

Read the rest of the Toonzone article

Furry Previews comics for September 2005

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From: "Doodles"
Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2005 11:53:25 -0700

Just in time for folks coming back from AC, a list of new titles to make you
even poorer. =};-3

Oklacon Registration open!

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Greetings Furries!

Oklacon Registration is finally open! Yay!

Oklacon is in it's third year at Roman nose state park in Watonga, Oklahoma during halloween weekend.

The convention itself is the least expensive convention to attend with pre-registration beginning at $26 which includes a bunk in an "A-frame" in which you can sleep and some meals provided for during the convention.

Furryville collectibles

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If you haven't nosed around the toy section at your local Target, you may want to! Mattel has put out a line of rather detailed, roughtly 3-inch-high poseable plush figures entitled (I kid you not) "Furryville." While not yet up on the Target website, they were apparently featured in this year's Toyfair.

This in and of itself is no big deal, as there have been anthropomorphic figures aimed at children for a long time (Calico Critters & the Sylvanian series); but this series in particular has a broad range of species...

'Anthro' needs art

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Quentin 'Cubist' Long would like to take this opportunity to let furdom-at-large know that Anthro needs art!

Check out the still-under-construction Anthro prototype site for further details, including some rough-draft-type ideas for what sort of art Anthro is looking for.

Furry Previews comics for August 2005

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alt.fan.furry postings:

From: "Doodles"
Date: Sat, 28 May 2005 11:16:51 -0700

Back to school, back to comics.

Midwest FurFest Announces Online Registration!

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Midwest FurFest is happy to announce that online registration is now open!

Memberships are $30 until September 30, 2005, and $40 thereafter and at the door.

Sponsorships are only $100. And what do you get with your sponsorship? You get a free T-shirt, a print from our Guests of Honor, a limited-edition commemorative pin, a delicious brunch with our Guests of Honor, and a special surprise gift!

To register, simply point your browser to http://www.furfest.org/regindex.html and follow the link.

For more information about Midwest FurFest, visit our website at http://www.furfest.org

One of our own needs urgent help

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Greyson Darkewolf needs your help. He's in critical condition and is in dire need of a heart transplant. The details are available at His livejournal.

There is a desperate need for donations of both money and blood (Roll up those sleeves people.) Prayers are gladly accepted. At present he barely has a week without a miracle.

Morphicon August 2005 Newsletter

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Morphicon 2006: "The Food Chain"
May 5-7 at the Radisson Columbus-Worthington

In this report:


Southern Tails: Furry Weekend Atlanta Newsletter August 2005

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The official newsletter of Furry Weekend Atlanta (February 17-19, 2006)
August 2005

In this issue...
1. Welcome Back
2. Meet Our Guests Of Honor: Bill Holbrook
3. Pre-register
4. Hotel Update
5. Submit
6. Volunteers
7. More Information

New issue of Tai-Pan available

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Tales of the Tai-Pan Universe issue #39 is now available!

Issue #39 features front cover by Sky Rigdon, back cover by Chuck Melville, stories by Kristin Fontaine and Mark Allen Davis with story illustrations by C.D. Woodbury and Chuck Melville. Plus additional artwork by Kathy R. Coleman, Gary Fletcher, and Sheryl Schopfer.

You can get a peek at the cover at our web site, just go to www.taipanproject.org and click on "Available Issues."

Further Confusion 2006 - July Newsletter

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Hearken to the call, one and all! Be ye scaled or furred, earth-treader
or bird, sound the call and spread the word: Further Confusion shall
soon come to be; join us for five days of fine revelry. An artist has
been named as our first honored guest; and now with a fair scribe we've
been blessed. And even long before our gathering shall begin, we shall
hold camp -- and a feast!

1.  Picnic & Campout Information
2.  Our Second Guest of Honor
3.  Staff Needed
4.  Pre-Registering for FC
5.  Furry Night Live! returns
6.  Furry Marketplace
7.  FC Film Festival
8.  Conbook Submissions Needed
9.  Membership Badge Art Needed
10. Hotel FAQ for Booking Rooms
11. Further Confusion Masquerade
12. Next Public Meeting

The Trail of the Great Rose

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"The Trail of the Great Rose," by Fara Shimbo, a story about three different intelligent species and their quest to find two others, is currently being posted on her live journal. Shimbo is the author of the Klysadel stories, including The Perfect Crime. New chapters are typically posted on Sundays and Wednesdays. The first 20 chapters are available in PDF format, but the pictures are better on LJ.

From the Yerf Archive