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FC2003 : December Newsletter

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FC2003 Newsletter December 2002 Edition

1. Hotel Reservation Cutoff Date Announcement and Fursuit Area Update
2. Pre-reg Cutoff Date Announcement
3. Panelist List Published to Website
4. Important Times
A. Dealers Room
B. Artshow Hours
C. Registration Hours
5. Rabbit Tracks Zero: call for announcements
6. The Headless Lounge Returns
7. Call for Gophers1. Hotel Reservation Cutoff Date Announcements and Fursuiting Area Update
Our room block is getting full and its time to remind folks of the last date to get the convention rate. That date is Monday, January 6, 2003. After that date we cannot guaranty the convention rate for you.
Due to popular demand, the fursuit room reservations will be confirmed with each requester once the hotel finalizes the list, so don't be concerned if you've requested a room in this area and not heard anything back yet. It looks like this will be a success though.
If you are a costumer and like this, please say so to the hotel staff, they have gone the extra mile (along with our staff) in trying to make this work.
2. Pre-reg Cutoff Date Announcement
Preregistration cutoff is rapidly approaching. January 6 is the final date to preregister for FC2003 and to save that final $5 and more importantly, avoid that at-con registration line. Not to mention, pre-registration helps us plan accurately! Please help us help you by pre-registering for the convention.
You can always register online via our website at:
3. Panel and Panelist List
The preliminary Panel and Panelist list should be up on the Events page of the Further Confusion website by the time you get this. Expect a preliminary schedule by Jan 6-7th after our meeting on the 4th.
4. Important Times
A. Dealers Room
Thursday (Setup only - Subject to change):
Setup 4pm
Close 10pm
Setup 8am
Open to public 11 am
Close 6pm

Setup 9am
Open to public 10am
Close 6pm

Setup 9am
Open to public 10am
Close 6pm
Teardown closes 8pm

Monday (teardown only - subject to change):
Teardown opens 11am
Teardown closes 4pm

B. Artshow Hours
Setup: Check at the con in case we can allow artists setup.

Setup 9am - 1pm
Open to the Public 1pm - 6pm
Artists Reception 7pm - 8pm
Dealers and Staff Showing 8pm - 9pm

Setup 10am - 12noon
Unclaimed Panels Released 12noon
Open to the Public 12noon - 9:30pm
Final Bids/ Show Closes 9:30 pm

Artshow Pickup 12noon - 5pm
Art Auction 10:30am - 2:30pm

Artshow Pickup 10am - 2pm

C. Registration Hours
Pre-Reg Badge pickup 4pm - 5pm
Open to all 5pm-10pm
Open 10am - 10:30pm

Open 10am - 6pm

Open 10am - 12noon
FC2004 Pre-registration 12noon - 4pm

5. Rabbit Tracks Zero: call for announcements
Rabbit Tracks is the name for the At Con Newsletter this year. Its the place for all the latest news. Its also the place for our attendees to make their OWN announcements. If you have any announcements that you want included in the first edition that will be placed into attendees' registration bags, we need to have them by January 6, 2003. You canemail any announcements to
6. The Return of the Headless Lounge Part 2
The Fursuit lounge, aka the "OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!" lounge, has followed Alice down the rabbit hole to the San Jose DoubleTree. We are located in a very convenient location this year in the Cedar Room next to the main stage area on the second floor. By the grace of the Queen of Hearts, the lounge will be very spacious with plenty of tail room.
Refreshments, entertainment, and snacks will be on hand courtesy of the Mad Hatter to quench your wild thirst and feed the animal within. We will be open on Friday-Saturday-Sunday from 4pm till 11pm or later as needed.
7. Call for Volunteers
We always need lots of Volunteers to help everything run smoothly. Earn a free membership, free t-shirt, and other cool prizes by helping us help folks have a great time at Further Confusion. We even have free crash space for volunteers who cannot afford a hotel room. Email us at or see our Volunteer folks at the convention to get signed up.
Further Confusion


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