FC2003 : Last chance for Pre-Reg and Hotel Rooms

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Greetings from the Mad Hatters,

Just a reminder - if you haven't pre-registered for FC2003 yet, you only
have a couple of days left. Pre-registration for the con will close at
11.59pm on Monday January 6th. After this date, you have to register at
con, and at a slightly higher price. If you register now, you'll pay only
$40 - a savings of $5 than buying your membership at the door.

Also, we still have some rooms left in the hotel. Please help us fill
them! The deadline for getting hotel rooms at the con rate of $99 a night
is also 11.59pm on Monday January 6th. Remember when you're booking to
mention our convention code of FURCON. If you have any problems with the
person you speak to at reservations, get their name and location and let
us know at hotel@furtherconfusion.org. Let us know your confirmation
number too, so we can fix any problems.

That's all for now, but keep watching for our final newsletter in a couple
of weeks!

Further Confusion


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