Further Confusion 2001 Wrap Up Report
David Cooksey posted the Further Confusion final report on a.f.f.: "Well its time for our final wrapup report, a tradition we were determined to encourage by publicizing as much of our figures as possible.
"First and again, thank you to all of the staffers, panelists, artists,
writers, publishers, dealers, and attendees who made it another success."
We never claim to be perfect but as one of the largest conventions in
the fandom convention, with all of the attendant problems that result
from mere size,we were pleased with the progress we made this year. We
were particularly pleased with the behavior of all of the attendees this
year. With only a few exceptions, we had the fewest problems with that
of any of the past three FC's. Its a good thing when the single most
severe security incident involved guests of the hotel who were NOT part
of the convention.
On the new things we tried this year that succeeded, we'll keep trying
to improve on them and on the things we didn't do right, lessons will be
learned and we'll do better next year.
As of now we own almost all of the gear that makes up our stage
infrastructure as well as our own artshow panels. Those things will
benefit every following year of FC as we will not have to incur annual
rental charges and in fact can rent those things to other conventions in
the area.
Fiscally, we were in the black again by approximately $3,000. To
accomplish this, the costs associated with the purchase of the artshow
panels were paid for mostly by low interest loans from the members of
the board of directors of AAE, Inc. to be paid back over the next 3
years. Once we do our annual taxes in May, you will be able to review
the final financial report on AAE's website at:
The Facts and Figures:
Total Paid Attendance: 1097
Total Sponsors and Patrons:61
Breakdown by Country:
UK 15
USA 1,017
Total: 1,097
Breakdown by State (USA only):
Unspecified 15 (incomplete addresses)
AK 3
AL 2
AR 4
AZ 16
CA 687
CO 9
CT 3
FL 15
GA 4
HI 2
IA 2
ID 1
IL 11
IN 4
KS 4
KY 1
MA 15
MD 10
ME 2
MI 9
MN 8
MO 3
MS 5
NC 4
NH 8
NJ 8
NM 2
NV 11
NY 11
OH 19
OR 12
PA 5
RI 1
TN 2
TX 31
UT 6
VA 15
VT 1
WA 36
WI 5
WV 2
WY 1
Total: 1,017
Breakdown by zip code area in California:
ZIP Count
900-929 140 Southern CA (LA to San Diego)
930-939 40 Central CA (Santa Barbara, Bakersfield, Fresno, Monterey, etc)
940-951 453 Bay area
952-953 3 Central Valley (Stockton, Modesto, etc)
954-965 42 Northern CA (Ukiah, Eureka, Sacramento, Redding, to Oregon border)
unknown 9 (no city or Zip given but assumed to be CA)
Room Nights: 987
Main Hotel: 930
Overflow Hotel:57 (estimated)
Charitable Donations Total: $8,840
Kirtchner Foundation: 2560
Oakland Zoo: 2560
Travel Assistance: 3800
Dealers Room
Total Tables Sold: 82
Total Number of Dealers: 120 (estimated)
Total Number of Artists Displaying:127
Total Display Areas Sold Main Show: 143
Total Display Areas Sold Adult Show: 41
Total Throughput: $37907.70
Throughput Main Show: $26,940
Throughput Adult Show: $8067.14
Taxes Collected for Artists: $2800.56
Total Pieces Displayed: 1033
Total Pieces Sold: 592
Total Pieces Sold in Voice Auction: 100
% Pieces Sold:67%
Highest Single Piece Price Main: $3,500
Highest Single Piece Price Adult: $450
Panels and Programming:
Total # of events: 111
Totals by Track
Main Stage: 21
Art: 9
Writing: 10
Social: 11
Science: 18
Fursuit and Puppetry: 12
Gaming: 30
Total User Sessions for Year: 82,458
Total Hits for the Year: 1,179,178
The Future:
Where: San Mateo Marriott
When: Jan 24-27, 2002
How much: $30 Pre-registration
Hotel reservations: Stay Tuned for the announcment when they open up
Probably towards the end of April.
We are pleased to turn things over to the FC2002 staff. They already
have their first Guest of Honor lined up, David Brin, and I am sure more
details will be forthcoming from them soon. This will probably be our
last year at the San Mateo Marriott if growth continues as it has been
the past three years but we have expanded our room block to include the
ENTIRE hotel for 2002. For now, we are always open to comment and
suggestions. You can reach us at info@furtherconfusion.org.
The Staff of FC2001

About the author
GeneBreshears — read stories — contact (login required)a typographer from Seattle, WA, interested in writing, dabbling, publishing, and analyzing
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