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FC2007: Fur Your Eyes Only - May Mission Briefings

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Come celebrate the world of espionage with us in '007. Tuxedo clad spies,
evil-geniuses, femme fatales, mad scientists, super-weapons, and henchman
abound as Further Confusion delves into a world of anthropomorphic Spies,
Spooks, and Double Agents. With special themed events and panels, FC2007
will be a world where nothing is as it seems on first glance, with surprise
lurking around every corner.

In this briefing:
- FC2007 Charitable Beneficiaries Selected
- FC2006 Charities Paid
- Online Hotel Reservations Available
- FC2007 Dealers Room and Furry Market Place Waiting Lists
- FC2007 Pre-registration Available
- Our next meetingFC2007 Charitable Beneficiaries Selected

Further Confusion 2007 is pleased to announce that the following two
organizations will benefit from our event.  Golden State Greyhound
and Stanislaus Wildlife Care Center.

FC2006 Charities Paid

We are also delighted to report that the charitable beneficiaries for
FC2006 have received the following funds: Wildlife Companions ($12,000)
Comic Book Defense Fund ($3,000). That's a new yearly record for FC and
two more worthy groups would be hard to find.

Online Hotel Reservations Available

Online Reservation for booking your hotel rooms is now available at the
following URL:


We always run out of space - especially so for Double Rooms - so book
early. Not to mention it helps the con pay for itself just as much as your
registration fee does.

FC2007 Dealer's Room and Furry Market Place

In August, we will be selecting at random people from the Dealer's Room
waiting list to be offered 10 half-tables for FC2007. In order to be
included in the selection, you should have your waiting list form sent in by
August 1st, 2006. Please allow sufficient time for the USPS to deliver it
to us by that date. There will be a second round of random drawing from the
waiting list in November for any additional table space that is available at
that time. Further Confusion staff continue to work on a revised system of
space allocation in the Dealer's Room for FC2008, and will communicate this
once it has been finalized.

The first round of 10 Furry Market Place spaces will be sold on a first
come, first served basis also starting on August 1st, 2006. Those
interested will need to send in an application form by mail postmarked no
earlier than August 1st - any earlier postmarks will be placed at the back
of the list. The first round will end September 15th. No e-mail
applications will be accepted. The application form will be made available
on the website in June.

The second round of spaces in the Furry Market Place will be sold starting
in November, again first come, first served, and a third round (if spaces
are still available) will take place at-con. You should note that those who
missed a spot in the first round will NOT have their application
automatically carried over to the second round. The cost of the Furry
Market Place
spaces is currently being finalized, and we will let everyone
know what this will be as soon as possible.

Application forms for space in the Dealer's Room and Furry Market Place, as
well as rules governing each area, can be found at
<>. Please e-mail if you have any questions.


Pre-registration for FC2007 is available on-line at
<>. Rates are $40 for
the entire convention, and you may either register on-line, or print out a
registration form and mail it to us with payment. The web page also gives
details of some of the goodies you'll get if you register at the Sponsor
($100+) or Patron ($200+) level. Patrons and Sponsors may also claim back
part of their payment on their taxes as a charitable donation. Please
e-mail if you have any questions.

Our next meeting

The next Further Confusion public staff meeting will be at 12noon on
Saturday, June 3rd, at the San Jose Doubletree. Parking is free - just tell the
parking attendant that you're with Further Confusion when you arrive, and
then get a sticker for your parking slip in the meeting.

Please eat this briefing after reading.

Further Confusion


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