No More Pawprints
I heard the rumor before Further Confusion, and it's true: Issue #12 will be the last issue for the popular G-rated fanzine, Pawprints. Editors Conrad 'Lynx' Wong and Jordan 'Greywolf' Peacock will be moving on to other things. Click on 'read more' to see the info sheet they put out for FC, and check back to Flayrah later to catch my interview with Lynx.What's Up with PawPrints 2001?
The Further Confusion Edition
Where's Issue 12?
Unfortunately, this has been delayed. While we have nearly all the art we need (though we will accept some last-minute submissions) and we have already selected the stories that will appear, my co-editor, Jordan Greywolf, has had to deal with family obligations and sudden work burdens that prevent him from completing the layout of issue 12 in time to give me a set of master pages which can be sent to a copier for Further Confusion.
Issue #12 will be slated to debut at ConFurence. It will also be sold at BayCon and Anthrocon. Conifur is possible, but we are not committed to an appearance at Conifur at this time.
Issue #12 will also be the last issue of PawPrints. We apologize to the many readers that have enjoyed and continue to enjoy PawPrints's family-friendly, anthropomorphic stories and art.
Why Stop Now?
We did PawPrints because we wanted to show it was possible to put out a successful anthropomorphic-themed magazine with quality stories and art. We believe we have done so -- and we are glad for the many memorable stories and art that we have published by people we are proud to call new friends. To everyone who has contributed to PawPrints, and to everyone who has read and enjoyed it, thank you.
Both of the primary editors for PawPrints, Conrad "Lynx" Wong and Jordan
"Greywolf" Peacock, are now seeking to tackle new projects. Even with as relaxed a schedule as PawPrints has enjoyed (twice yearly, with the exception of a long hiatus between issue #11 and 12) it still takes a great toll on us in time, between collecting materials, editing stories, putting together issues, having them copied, and taking them to and selling them at conventions.
This does not, unfortunately, go well with pursuing new avocations! Everything takes time and energy, and we never want to do any less than our best in whatever we put out.
What Will We Do Instead?
Lynx plans to follow his dreams of becoming a professional computer game designer. His immediate plans involve creating a studio called 'Steam Powered Games' to develop shareware games and game technology libraries, in order to build a 'programmer's portfolio'.
Greywolf plans to increase his involvement with gaming; look for his work to appear in more role-playing and war games in the future.
But I Still Want To Buy Back Issues!
One way or another, they'll be available until supplies run out!
Further Confusion, ConFurence, BayCon, Anthrocon, and possibly Conifur will be our last cons in 2001. We will be selling issues at reduced prices (except for #12, when it debuts) as follows:
Normal: purchase of 2 issues or less
B&W cover issues (#1-9, 11) $5
Color cover issue (#10) $10
Wholesale: purchase of 3 issues or more
B&W cover issues $4 per issue
Color cover issue $8 per issue
Issues will continue to be available through mail order at the same price, plus shipping. (ask before sending money!)
After the last convention of the year, any remaining inventory will be sold or donated to one or both of the mail-order distributors available, either Mailbox Books or Bronzebear Distribution.
Issues will not be reprinted this year or thereafter, so when the last copy of an issue is gone, it's gone.
I Don't Want The Fun To Stop!
We certainly encourage others to consider their own magazines! It is a fun and educational process, and we've met a lot of great people along the way doing this.
Our tentative plans are to retire the PawPrints Fanzine name, but if a
committed group of people we believe has the talent and energy to achieve the same levels of quality we've put out, with the same dedication toward a family-friendly anthropomorphic theme, we would consider "passing on the flame" (along with the masters and unsold issues).
If anyone knows of a G-rated anthropomorphic 'zine already in existence that could use a boost, please let us know! We'll be happy to mention them in the editorial for issue #12.
Please feel free to contact us for advice about the process of putting together magazines! We've made a bunch of mistakes along the way, so we'd like it if other people can learn from them.
(hint: copy shops don't like masters that have pictures pasted onto the page, which can cause paper jams)
How Do I Contact You?
As always:
Conrad "Lynx" Wong
101 First Street, PMB 554
Los Altos Hills, CA 94022
Jordan "Greywolf" Peacock
Checks for back issues should be made out to Conrad Wong.
Our webpage remains:
The Muses were the Greek personification of the nine arts and sciences revered by the ancients and when a person hears their call, they can be cruel taskmasters with velvet whips. When I heard their call on my life many years ago, I also discovered the muses were fickle. All my life I wanted to be called a writer and when I started writing in earnest, all I collected were rejection slips, some of them cruel and all of them daunting. Still, the muses’ call could not be denied.
Having been introduced to furry fandom, first through the online art of T. Jordan “Greywolf” Peacock and then through Antarctic Press’ Furrlough, I finally found myself at the Internet home of Pawprints Fanzine. At that time, submitting stories was robotic. I would submit a story, get a rejection slip, submit another, get a rejection slip. Having never considered submitting to a fanzine and heady with the potential worlds of furry fandom, I submitted a story that had been inspired by Greywolf’s unicorn maidens, and waited for the rejection.
It didn’t come.
Instead, Conrad “Lynx” Wong sent me an e-mail letter of acceptance and a note on areas that needed some serious rewriting.
The psychological impact of that acceptance was unbelievable. Since then, many authors have told me of the metamorphosis a writer undergoes after their first acceptance. Pawprints Fanzine helped me to make the psychological leap from writer-wannabe to published author. Suddenly doors opened that had previously been closed and because of that first acceptance, I have had other acceptances as well as a poem published and this summer, iUniverse Press will release my first book, a children’s fantasy novella. PawPrints has since published another two of my stories and Coventry House will most likely be in the final edition.
Not only did PawPrints usher me into the world of writing, but it also introduced me to like-minded furry fans who saw beyond the fanboys to what really constituted furry art and literature. Lynx taught me important lessons on grammar and story structure through his dead-on critiques of my submissions. I was also introduced to Greywolf who will be illustrating my children’s book as well as opened the door to friendships with Steven “Stauros” Crane, XianJaguar, Megan Giles, and others.
At the risk of sounding melodramatic, I never thought I would grieve over the peaceful demise of a small press magazine. To me PawPrints still represents the best of furry fandom’s heart, which is why of all the muses, if PawPrints had its own guardian angel, I would say it was Thalia, the muse of joy.
Furry fandom has no lack of creative intelligence, but unlike PawPrint’s co-editors, too few have the courage to make their dream a reality. It is my sincere wish that Lynx and Greywolf prosper at whatever they lay their minds and hands to, but I will still miss their child dearly.
Rev. Boxer @ Gettysburg, PA >
(aka C. Alan Loewen)
It's always sad to hear of the end of a fine project, such as Pawprints. On the other hand, it's wonderful to see someone taking action to make their dreams a reality.
As the editor of one of the other G/PG-rated zines in the fandom, it was inevitable that we would spend some time together. One of the best conventions I ever experienced was the first ConiFur, sharing a table with Conrad.
The thing I admire most about Pawprints is Conrad's commitment to writing true editorials. So many fanzines of all genres and prozines of this one in particular feature "editorials" which contain information that ought to be in a cover letter to the subscriber. Conrad believes in writing editorials about the publishing industry, literary standards and history, and about art. He could wax eloquent about such a topic without rambling on. A skill which I hope will serve him well in his future endeavors.
You might think that the editorial is such an insignificant part of the publication that it shouldn't be worth commenting upon. But Conrad's editorials reveal something important about his character and about his approach to publishing: he cares about the integrity of the Art (with a capital "a").
And I can't think of a higher compliment to pay to a creator.
Aww, thanks! I was conscious that these magazines would remain in print for some time (and 12 issues over the course of 6 or 7 years is indeed some time) so I didn't want to make editorials too 'topical', i.e. referring to issues of the moment. I aimed instead at general articles which I hoped would give people good ideas for their own creative projects.
-- Lynx
I am very saddened to hear about the demise of Pawprints.This fanzine was so nice to read.It was so beautifully assembled as well.Both the art and stories had an air of "elegance" to them.I have always enjoyed Pawprints since it's debut.But,of Lynx and Greywolf think that it's mission has been accomplished,I won't question them.A job well done guys! Foxonian
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