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Video: Orangina asks "Who's Boss?" in new furry ads

Edited by GreenReaper as of Sun 22 Apr 2012 - 12:40
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Orangina, the carbonated citrus drink whose advertisements have featured anthropomorphic animals since 2007, has released two new commercials.

Created by the Fred & Farid agency, the commercials are for "Miss O", the sugar-free version of Orangina. With the tagline "Who’s Boss?", the advertisements take stereotypical gender roles in relationships, and reverse them.

In one promo, a hyena businesswoman phones home to her human boyfriend or husband, and proceeds to lie about working late so she can have a night out with her friends. In the other, a black wolf in a cafe gives a "It’s not you - it’s me" speech to her human boyfriend, who doesn't take the breakup very well.


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As Oren Otter says in the comments to the second video:

How is watching a guy get dumped by an arsehole supposed to make me want Orangina? I love the special effects makeup, but that's the only? reason to watch this.

Maybe it's a French thing?

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I don't think he's in the target market for the ad.

(Hint: It's a piss-poor attempt at showing female empowerment.)

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Maybe making new ads to compete with Mio, who has recently begun to use anthropomorphic animals?

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I honestly prefer the computer animated commercials they made versus these two. The make up looks kind of creepy, especially in the first one.

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I have a feeling these are also CG, just of a different style. The uncanny valley can be uncanny in many different ways.

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Or, you know, the uncanny valley isn't the end all, be all of creepiness.

The uncanny valley gets its name from an imaginary chart with "closeness to humanity" and "creepiness" on the x and y axises; the imaginary chart, according to the theory, starts low, builds up, then dips suddenly right before "closeness to humanity" becomes human, which is the uncanny valley.

People forget, however, that the chart started off in creepy territory that makes the uncanny valley creepy territory look tame.

The creatures in these ads don't look anywhere near close enough to truly human to qualify for the uncanny valley; they are creepy because sometimes the Internet is right. Furries are creepy (if you don't know what you're doing, anyway).

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The eyes and movements (especially the mouths while talking) are entirely too human. Those things give the rest of them a very off-putting vibe.

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After rewatching them I'm thinking this is a hybrid approach with CG face replacement but physical body costumes (similar to what they did for the Where The Wild Things Are movie). It has that sort of look to it.

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Oh, just found the making of video. Looks like they actually were full costumes with facial prosthetics, with no CG at all. The video doesn't show how they did things like ear movements, though (unless I missed it) - possibly remote-controlled servos or something.

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