BD & Comics Passion 2013 at London's Institut Français
Posted by Huskyteer (Alice Dryden) on Wed 15 May 2013 - 22:16 — Edited by GreenReaper as of Sat 20 Mar 2021 - 10:43
Between May 30th and June 2nd, UK fans of comics and graphic novels can attend the BD (bande dessinée) & Comics Passion 2013, a series of events at the Institut Français in Queensberry Place, south-west London. [Facebook page]
The programme includes film screenings, artist talks and drawing workshops for children, teenagers and adults. There's not much on the menu that's explicitly furry, but the festival logo should appeal if nothing else! [Trailer]

About the author
Huskyteer (Alice Dryden) — read stories — contact (login required)a web developer and Husky from London, UK, interested in writing, scooters, 1960s music, aviation and karate
Writer, Biker, Furry, Spy.
Wow, thanks for adding all those links! I forgot and now I am ashamed of my laziness!
~ Huskyteer
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