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FC2002: Last chance to get hotel rooms!

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As Further Confusion draws nearer, the time in which we offer hotel rooms
at the con rate of $99/night for 1-2 people gets shorter. At this time, we
have completely SOLD OUT of both suites AND double rooms, but still have a
number of single bed rooms left. However, you only have until January 12
to take advantage of this rate.

From Gene: click "Read more" for the entire announcement.

To book your room, just make a call to the Marriott reservations line at
1-800-228-9290, mention our hotel code (SFOSA) and our event code
and make your booking! Don't forget that we're also offering a block of
days both before and after Further Confusion, so you can take advantage of
seeing some of the sights and attractions in the area. The block we're
offering is from January 18 until February 2.

If a room isn't enough to tempt you, how about some free parking? That's
right - FREE PARKING! Anyone who is staying at the convention hotel is
entitled to free parking, with in and out privileges, for the entire
duration of your stay. That's even before and after the con as well as
during. One thing to be aware of though - if you have other people staying
in the room with you, they also can get the free parking, but you must
have their name attached to the room also.

Finally, if you have any questions, or if you encounter any problems when
making your reservation, please first
check the
, then if that doesn't
answer your question, you should direct them to our hotel liaison at

Thanks, and we look forward to seeing you at Further Confusion in a couple
of weeks!


Further Confusion


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