Newsbytes archive for June 2015
Contributors this month include crossaffliction, dronon, earthfurst, Fred, GreenReaper and Sonious.
crossaffliction: Fatal lion attack in South Africa.
dronon: Here's the music video for "Tum Todo Na", from the 2015 Tamil film I, directed by Shankar. (The rest of the movie looks nothing like this.)
dronon: Whoops - and apparently there's a longer version.
crossaffliction: I happily admit that thinking of furry as an aesthetic rather than a genre is a great idea.
crossaffliction: At this point, they're about to reveal earlier voiced clips were fake-outs and they have David Tennant.
Fred: Non-anthro honeybees at the Sunset Strip.
Fred: Has the "bunny with ponytails" been reported here yet?
Fred: Rare mother whale with twins.
GreenReaper: Queerty notes the impact of Califur on gay/bi date-finding app Grindr.
earthfurst: Nice audio documentary about mascots, episode 151 “La Mascotte” of 99% Invisible podcast from February.
earthfurst: “A Deep Dive Into Furries…” ep of BuzzFeed’s Internet Explorer podcast with segment about furries, starting at 6:45.
crossaffliction: A Chinese language trailer for Kung Fu Panda 3 has apparently been leaked; it's since been taken down.
crossaffliction: Robin Hood as hottest Disney prince isn't controversial to furries. Unless you're talking about whether he's actually a prince.
Fred: The Chinese Kung Fu Panda 3 trailer may have been taken down in America, but it's still up in India.
dronon: The Last Guardian has felt like vaporware for several years now, however a new trailer for the game has appeared at E3 2015.
GreenReaper: Minnie Mouse, Hello Kitty cuffed in Times Square after squabble over photo tip.
GreenReaper: Spider-Man: "I tried to stop them, but they were hysterical."
crossaffliction: A piece on how Zootopia is Disney's 2016 "B-movie," and that's not a bad thing.
Sonious: Kangaroos discovered to mostly have left-handedness
earthfurst: #crowdfunding at Kickstarter for full-color v4 of Dreamkeepers #furry #comic is $60978 over goal, with 16hours to go.
crossaffliction: An official English trailer for Kung Fu Panda 3 appears, and it is hilarious.
Fred: A man and his tortoise.
crossaffliction: Conker's Bad Fur Day is one of GameStop's most valuable retro games. (The original N64 version; not the crappy Xbox remake.)
GreenReaper: Jacksonville Jaguars' top cat prepares his final dive - into retirement. [tip: @Anthfurnee]
dronon: In 2014 there was a French film adaption of Beauty and the Beast.
Sonious: SoFurry alters logo to celebrate the SCOTUS decision on gay marriage #LoveWins
GreenReaper: The cat who became a goddess.
GreenReaper: The call of the indri lemur still heralds morning in the forests of Madagascar - but for how long?

About the author
crossaffliction (Brendan Kachel) — read stories — contact (login required)a reporter and Red Fox from Hooker, Oklahoma, interested in movies, horror, stand up comedy
Formerly Wichita's only furry comic.
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