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Newsbytes archive for September 2023

Edited by dronon
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Contributors this month include dronon, earthfurst, and GreenReaper.

earthfurst: VCL is down and according to isitDownRightNow has been "Down For: more than a week". If VCL doesn't return, time for a VCL Historical Archive? (Similar to the resource that is the Yerf Historical Archive.)

GreenReaper: Creator of cloned sheep whose work paved the way for further stem cell research dies at 79. [tip: Rakuen]

dronon: Ash Coyote presents Beyond the Fandom, a 40-minute documentary about MAJIC Records, a BIPOC music label. [tip: Arrkay]

dronon: Nippon TV becomes largest shareholder of Studio Ghibli.

dronon: It's unclear if Kyoryu is going to develop into a game or a mini-series or something, but for now, enjoy a trailer for an idea.

GreenReaper: The tale (tail?) of the dog accused of eating a hundred head of cabbages is making the rounds in Poland. [tip: Elysium]

dronon: Upcoming French film: Le Règne animal (Animal Kingdom).

GreenReaper: "There's kind of a power to it. I could make friends with these people, and they wouldn't know who I am... a wildcat can be friends with anybody." - Lake Highlands senior and Willie The Wildcat performer Alli Truscott.



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