Fangcon to move to new city and state
Posted by Draconis on Thu 10 Mar 2016 - 23:01Draconis wrote:
Dear past, current and future attendees of Fangcon,
I hope by this time you may have heard of the difficulty we have been having with the hotel in Knoxville, TN. We attempted to secure a date with them for 2016 right after the con had concluded. The hotel put us off even though the local football schedule was already posted. We found out later this is what many hotels in the local Knoxville area do. They look for groups with bigger numbers so they can charge a higher price for the rooms (sometimes three and four times the amount we paid.) This year the football schedule only left a few open weekends for groups like ours.
Our hotel for Fangcon 2016 will be the Hilton Hotel, Perimeter Park Birmingham, AL. We know this will come as a disappointment to many attendees but this is the same issue we ran into after our first year of the con when we started it up in Nashville, it became too late into the year to find good options for hotel space. So it is either wait till 2017 and not have a con this year or make the best of it and see how well we do in Birmingham, Alabama. The con will be on the dates of Oct 27th through Oct 31st 2016.
Fangcon circus coming to Knoxville in November
Posted by Draconis on Mon 7 Oct 2013 - 23:37This promotional newsletter was provided by Fangcon. Story written by Nightwolf.
Welcome one and all, to the furriest show on Earth! Come to a convention unlike any you've seen before!
What makes Fangcon stand out from the rest? We've packed this weekend full of activities to enjoy all weekend long by all ages. Test your skill and luck at our carnival corner, with games provided by furries from all over Tennessee. Enjoy the fursuit parade and watch the suiters compete in the fursuit games. For a more refined feel, take a seat in the poker tournament. Relax in the hotel's heated pool before the late night dances.
Fangcon's circus moves to Knoxville; 'tens of thousands' to attend
Posted by Draconis on Wed 17 Jul 2013 - 18:36Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen, Furries of all ages, you are invited to join us and our circus family for the second year of Fangcon, the greatest convention in Furry Fandom.

Our convention circus circuit has us at a new location, the Holiday Inn in beautiful Knoxville, Tennessee! Start planning now and make those reservations for our Oct 31–Nov 4 long weekend. You need to get those front row seats now for the best viewing. You should also consider upgrading those memberships to our Sponsor and Super Sponsor levels. We will be adding perks as they come in and likely some secret ones too, to be given out at the con.
Fans, conventions step forth to help furry tornado victim
Posted by Draconis on Thu 13 Jun 2013 - 20:37Flayrah reported in May on Misora Rae's loss of her home in the Moore, OK tornado. In subsequent days, furs have sent an outpouring of support, helping her with supplies and funds. They gathered for the clean-up, helping her sort through the rubble of what was once her home; she found her fursuit, which had survived the storm but was covered in insulation, and was getting a musty odor from the rains that came with the tornado. The team also found one of her cats, crushed to death by a fallen wall. The stress of this is a hardening factor for Misora.
Support for Misora and her mother continues, with several Furry conventions joining together to raise funds for her family. Central Plains Fur Con, Fangcon, F3con and Wild Nights will be auctioning supersponsor and higher levels of membership, with proceeds going to Misora. The first is for a membership for CPFC, to be held October 2013 in Wichita, Kansas with Rukis as the guest of honor. Other auctions will be posted after the initial auction concludes.
Fangcon première to bring big names to Tennessee
Posted by Jace Inugami on Mon 15 Oct 2012 - 14:33One of the newest furry conventions, Fangcon, opens its doors Oct. 26th to its awaiting audience. Located in Nashville, Tenn., the event's theme is: Musicals: Opening Night! This will really come out when Rhubarb the Bear performs as the con's Musical Guest of Honor. This bear has brought a few musicals to the fandom. He most recently premièred at Wild Nights to a standing ovation crowd performing Fosgate: Ferret Loan Officer. He will be bringing his musical skills in the form of several instruments to his own show and several panels. He's not to be missed!
Fangcon's opening night: October 26
Posted by Jace Inugami on Sun 29 Jul 2012 - 20:50
Overture, curtains, lights,
This is it, the night of nights
And that night will begin October 26 at Tennessee’s new Furry event, Fangcon. This three-day con will host its “Opening Night” in Nashville at the Millennum Maxwell House Hotel. Room rates start at $101 a night over the traditional Halloween weekend. Look for a lot of Halloween antics throughout the con, as well as activities. One of these is the Halloween Ball hosted by Goldenwolf. Bring your fursuit and dress your costume up in a costume. If you do not have a fursuit, just come in your own Halloween themed costume. After all, it is a Monster’s Holiday!