Pets give patients a paw up on recovery

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By Molly Masland
Health Editor
Updated: 12:39 p.m. ET July 19, 2004

Imagine being laid up in a hospital and, as you’re wheeled down the sterile hallway, along strolls a three-foot-tall horse wearing yellow rubber booties and a backpack full of daisies. No, you’re not having a morphine-induced hallucination, you haven’t died and landed in some kind of surreal Barnum & Bailey heaven. You’ve just met Lucky Boy, one of the thousands of animals making the rounds at hospitals across the United States.

Big Bunny no World Record holder

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A three and a half foot long hare from Holland can't hold any records in the Guiness Book of World Records. They just won't list them due to the fear that it would only encourage owners to overfeed their pets.

Oklacon News

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Oklacon will be taking place this year October 28th through October 31st at the Roman Nose State Park, in Watonga Oklahoma. Click below for more information!

Counting Crows Video

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Attention Furries! Keep an eye out for the new Counting Crows video "Accidentally in Love" the video features a CG anthro rabbit that looks suspiciously like the lead singer, Adam Duritz. It's a cute video, and a must-see for all furry fans


Wolf Protection No Longer Needed in Some States

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The gray wolf, which once nearly disappeared in the lower 48 states, is making such a comeback that the Interior Department wants to lift federal protection for the animal in the eastern two-thirds of the country.

Interior Secretary Gale Norton was to announce on Friday a proposed rule that would lift protection under the Endangered Species act for gray wolves in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan, where there are significant populations, as well as in at least 20 other states.

[Read Article]

Late Comic

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For fans of Threed.

This is a small note to let everyone who has been enjoying Threed. or Three D Comics that my good friend Tigreinon's uncle passed away on Friday so the comic will be delayed. I will also be posting about it on Furs 4 You. If anyone would like to send sympathies or e-cards to Tig you can send them to or Thanks to everyone who's been reading the comic and I apologize for the delay.

Anthrocon G-o-H Michel Gagne's con report

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Anthrocon guest-of-honor Michel Gagne has posted his convention report, with lots of fursuit photos.

Tabby Gets Military Rank After Iraq Tour

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COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. - Fort Carson Staff Sgt. Rick Bousfield of the 3rd Brigade Combat Team had a mission: Saving Pvt. Hammer.

Pfc. Hammer is an Iraqi tabby cat the unit adopted after he was born last fall at a base in Balad, 50 miles north of Baghdad.

More here:

Philly CityPaper documents Furry community in good light

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The Philadelpha City Paper, a free alternative weekly newspaper, often covers items other papers wouldn't -- and they chose to cover the convention with a little bit of Animal Magnetism. However, true to any City Paper, they didn't MTV it -- the article is fairly even, while they concentrate on one person.

Killer Kangaroos!

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Australians living in the nation's drought-ravaged capital have been warned to keep their distance from aggressive kangaroos after the iconic marsupials attacked one woman and killed a pet dog.

Eastern Grey kangaroos, which can grow 1.7 meters (5.6 feet) tall and weigh 70 kg (154 lb), have started moving out of the parched bush into inner Canberra suburbs during the day to look for grass and water, increasing their contact with people.

Read Article

Review of "Kaze, Ghost Warrior"

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I just got my DVD of Khaze, Ghost Warrior in the mail this Saturday.

First, realize that the entire 20 minutes of video was done by one person with 2 off-the-shelf computers and off-the-shelf software. It is amazing that the film was created at all.

It’s a great film for furries, no doubt about it.

Disney being sued in South Africa for copyright infringement

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Walt Disney Co. is being sued in South Africa for infringement of copyright on the song The Lion Sleeps Tonight, which was used in the film The Lion King. According to the lawsuit, the song was originally titled "Mbube" and was written by migrant worker Solomon Linda in 1939. Heirs of Linda, who died in 1962, are seeking royalties of more than $1.5 million. A recent legal move by the plaintiffs attached Disney's other trademarks to the lawsuit; if successful, the trademarks could be auctioned off to raise the funds.

Story from Reuters available here.

Conifur July Newsletter

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Conifur Northwest is Sept 24-26 in Tacoma, Washington. You can register now here. Also, through the miracle of the internet, you can reserve your hotel room for the convention on-line here.

It's not too late to pre-order your Conifur Northwest 2004 t-shirt! Designed by Guest of Honor, Chad Krueger, (your can see the design at the Conifur homepage default color is a black shirt with the 2004 design in white on the front.

2004 Recommended Anthropomorphics List

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This is the initial posting of the fourth annual Recommended Anthropomorphics List. It has two purposes. Firstly, it is open for all Furry fans to recommend the best anthropomorphic movies, TV series, novels, artwork, games, etc. that they find during 2004. It is for fans who want to know what Furry movies, TV series, novels, etc. are worth looking for. The List is open to anyone to add to, and it will be updated at least three times before the end of the year. If you find any 2004 Furry movies or comic books or comic strips, etc. that are worth recommending, please send your recommendations through the end of 2004 to:

Fred Patten
11863 West Jefferson Boulevard
Culver City, California 90230-6322

Secondly, this List is to be used as a guide for nominations to the 2004 Ursa Major Award, which will be presented at Anthrocon 2005 for the Best of the calendar year 2004 in the first ten categories. The List was actually started in 2001 as an aid to those fans who said, "The Award sounds like a good idea but I don't have the slightest idea what's eligible to be nominated." Read the List and find out what is eligible for the Best of 2004.

A new category has been added this year: Recommended Anthropomorphic Miscellany. This is for items such as action figures and plush dolls, songs, and other items which do not fit into the existing categories but are still worth recommending. This category will not be included in the Ursa Major Award, due to the inappropriateness of comparing such diverse items for a "best" vote.

Continuing publications such as comic books, comic strips, and fanzines are not carried over from one year to the next. If a favorite comic or fanzine of yours was on last year's List, it must be resubmitted to appear on this year's List.

This Recommended List is posted at This website includes links to as many as possible of the recommendated items that have their own entries on the Internet; so if you want to know more about any of them, you can go right to its site. It also includes the previous Lists, for the benefit of those looking for recommendations of good Furry art & literature since the 21st century started.

Bombay Leopards Hunting Humans

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From a national park on the edge of Bombay, India, leopards have killed ten people this month that has prompted forest officials to let loose pigs and rabbits to feed the big cats.

The killings are up from previous years, and six of this month's deaths occurred outside the park as leopards extended their range in search of food.

From the Yerf Archive