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Megaplex hotel pre-booking rate ends February 21st!

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Well, March 19th-21st is drawing near, and people are gearing up for Megaplex 2004, or MP3, since this is our third time out. I'm sure folks have made their plans and decided what they are bringing. Packed their toothbrush, and made their registrations....

Wait! Did you reserve your hotel room yet? No?

Well, better hop to it, because time is running out! As of February 21, the special Megaplex rate of $82 a night for one to four people will become unavailable. The rate will be good for reservation dates March 16-24th. And with MP3 coming in March, the month of Spring Break, hotel rooms are going to fill up fast! After all, we are in Orlando, home of some of the county's most popular theme parks and attractions. Such as the Annual Manatee rodeo and the Museum of Tube Socks from the stars. To make your room reservations, call THE SHERATON STUDIO CITY HOTEL at (800) 327-1366.

Remember to mention the reservation code "MEGAPLEX."
And what do we have in store for our attendees? Well....

We are proud to present our Guest Of Honor for 2004, Trace Beaulieu! A mammal! Trace Bealieu is an established writer, director, puppeteer, and visual effects artist for both the big and small screens for his work in "Mystery Science Theater 3000" and "Freaks and Geeks".

Returning to Megaplex is the spectacular acapella group "Toxic Audio" (group of mammals), Dr. Samuel "Uncle Kage" Conway's storytelling (possibly a mammal), the fresh and edgy comedy of "2" (a fiesty mammal), and live furry friends from the C.A.R.E. Foundation (some eat mammals) . New to Megaplex is "The Magic of AcesWild" by the talented magician Clarke "AcesWild" Braudis (mammal el grande) . There will also be a performance from the "Funday PawPet Show" starring the whole cast, live! (If we can get the tranq darts for Poink again this year.)

There will be a charity auction for our freinds at C.A.R.E, to help in the upkeep for all of the rescued animals currently under their care.

Additionally, there will be an Artist Alley, available for those who wish to trade artwork, improvisational comedy seminars, areas to relax, and much much more!

For more on the 411, go to

See you in March!

Megaplex Convention Staff


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