Ohio Morphicon March Newsletter
Ohio Morphicon March Newsletter
June 25-27, 2004 / Columbus, OH
Our discount registration ends Saturday! In this edition:
-- Discount Registration Ends Saturday March 20th!
-- Morphicon Art Contest Deadline Set for May 1st
-- Dealer Slots Still Available
-- Miscellaneous Updates
*****Discount Registration Ends Saturday March 20th!
Our discount registration ends this Saturday. This is your last chance to get the discount rate on registering for Ohio Morphicon. If you register online now or postmark your mail-in registration by Saturday, the cost will be $25 for all three days of the convention. After Saturday, the cost will go up to $30. (Online and mail-in registration will remain available through June 12th.)
Visit http://www.morphicon.org/online.htm to register online via PayPal, or alternately, try our mail-in form at http://www.morphicon.org/regform.doc (or http://www.morphicon.org/regform.htm if unable to read Word documents).
The Ohio Morphicon room rate is a low 69/night, but this rate is only guaranteed for reservations made by June 3rd, so you'll want to reserve your room soon. You can contact the hotel directly at 614-888-7440; be sure to ask for the Morphicon rate!
Morphicon Art Contest Deadline Set for May 1st
Our contest for artwork for the convention is still going on, but we had to set a deadline! The last date we will accept entries will be May 1st. Competition is currently light, so consider entering--you just might win! The theme for this year is "In the Beginning", and we're interested in creation mythos of all kinds--both traditional and original.
The winner of our art contest will get a free upgrade from a standard registration to Super-Sponsorship, and their artwork will appear on the convention t-shirts for this year. If you're unable to attend the convention, we'll ship you the t-shirt along with the other Super-Sponsor benefits. Other artists whose art fits well with the theme of the convention may be selected to appear and be credited in our convention book.
Email your questions and entries to publications@morphicon.org. Entries should be in high resolution grayscale, and appropriate for all audiences (nothing above a PG rating). (Entries become property of Ohio Morphicon. Sending us an entry or a donation indicates that you allow us to reproduce or copy the image/text for non-profit commercial or promotional purposes.)
We're also interested in very short stories, prose, and poetry for possible inclusion in the conbook, again in keeping with our theme, as well as "clip-art" sized doodles for inclusion in the conbook or flyers. If you have anything you'd like to contribute, please send it to Publications. Thanks for your support!
Dealer Slots Still Available
There are still some dealer slots available, but it's unclear how quickly these may fill up. If they don't fill up soon, we may make use of the remaining convention space in other ways. So if you're interested in dealing at Ohio Morphicon, you'll need to act quickly!
Email us now at dealers@morphicon.org if you're interested, or have any questions. The table costs $10 plus a full admission (so $35 in total if registered by March 20th). Our dealers must have a Transient Vendor's Licence for Ohio (flat license fee of $25, if you don't already have one); simply download the form at http://www.odod.state.oh.us/edd/1ststop/documents/repository/D265.PDF, or ask us and we'll mail one to you.
Miscellaneous Updates
We're currently in the process of getting the full information together about the hotel shuttle, which is why we haven't updated the website yet. We'll update this weekend when we have the exact data available.
We'll also have more updates on our programming schedule soon. If you're interested in contributing to our programming, email programming@morphicon.org. Although we're a small convention, our aim is to be friendly to a diverse body of furry interests, including fursuiting, puppetry, and special interests. Contact us directly to find out more!
For questions, concerns, and more up-to-date info: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/OhioMorphicon/
See you at the con!

About the author
Trickster (A. Wolf) — read stories — contact (login required)an eternal student / researcher from OH, interested in about 6.9%
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