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Mel White nominated for Chesley

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Assuming this is the correct Mel White (I'm pretty sure it is though I'll confirm with Mel myself):

I know Mel. is involved with ASFA, so I'm sure that this is her. Also as an offtopic notice, I'm currently very behind in submissions, as my new apartment doesn't even have a working phone line, much less DSL. Bear with me.

Second note, from Micah: the awards are actually called the Chesleys, and Mel. was nominated last year as well. While the current nominees aren't posted yet, you can check out last year's winners and other cool stuff at the ASFA website.

Bonestell Nominees Named

The Association of Science Fiction and Fantasy Artists announced nominees for the 2001 Chesley Awards, honoring works from the year before. The awards are named after astronomical artist Chesley Bonestell. Winners will be announced Aug. 31 at the 59th World Science Fiction Convention (Philcon) in Philadelphia. A full list of nominees follows.

Contribution to ASFA

•Todd Lockwood, Jon Schindehette and Wizards of the Coast

•Morgana McGee

•Mel White


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