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RCFM News #4

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RCFM - 3.14159

__RCFM is less than a month away. Are you registered yet?__

Pre register for RCFM here -->
For all those slow-moving furs out there, pre-reg runs up to midnight
on May 25th! How cool is that!?

(Prices for Pre-registration only)
* $10 - Non-attending, support level membership
* $30 - Attending level membership, all three days
* $40 - Sponsor level membership
* $70 - Super sponsor level membership
* $140 - Booster level membership Firing - Rocket City FurMeet style__

This is the year for trying many new things! We will be hosting
programming late into the evening for the nocturnals and also

programming late into Sunday, so plan to stay the extra night. We have
lots of events this year - and it is nearly all posted on the

schedule page of the website!

IF there's something you'd like to add, we could add a few more items
to the schedule before the Meet. Check out the schedule -->

__So much FOOD!__

This year - lots of great new food items are in store! The Pasta Feed.
Spaghetti, meat balls, mac and cheese, lots of meat, sauce,

pasta, cheese, and even veggies and salad.

Pizza on Friday night, before Brim's Dessert Extravaganza. Cakes,
Pi(e)s and more. How does he do it?? Did you taste his

chocolate 'hell' last year? 14 different kinds of chocolate go into
that thing!

Saturday lunch will be hot dogs, with the Pasta Feed for dinner. KO's
Cappucino on every morning will include a few breakfast

snacks; and there will always be chips and stuff in Hospitality, along
with soft drinks and bottled water throughout the weekend.

Timothy Albee, the name you know as the creator of the Animation Kaze
Ghost Warror is assisting RCFM with Sponsoring part of

the Video room. Look on the schedule for showings of Kaze Ghost
Warrior, graciously provided to us by Timothy himself.

__Dream to Reality__

The RCFM dream can be found in Furcadia, a chat and avatar/role
playing/adventure game.

Furcadia is a free online interactive program which has rich graphics
and is populated by various species. For more info on Furcadia,

go here -->
For more information please contact AmberWolf via e-mail
, ICQ <18378741>, or AIM AmberWolf>.

Come check it out!

__Pre Flight check__

Before departing your home, keep PCDS in mind. Parenting Children of a
Different Species is the recipient of this year's Charity

Auction proceeds, and is a very good cause to support. So bring your
furry related items to put in the Charity Auction and save

some more animals from the kill-shelters!

PCDS will also have a table just outside the Dealer's Den if you wish
to donate, along with a photo scrapbook showing many of the

animals they've saved in recent years. This year Joel knows better
than to bring the monkey to RCFM. *LOL*

Please donate items for the Saturday Charity auction or donate money
directly to PCDS. The more we can give to Joel, the more

lives he can save that would otherwise have been lost. If you would
like to know more please browse the Charity Auction webpage


__Don't forget the room!__

And yes that is STILL at the special $69 a night RCFM room rate! The
bedroom has a set of doors closing it off from the front room,

though BOTH areas have their own TV.

There is the mini Fridge, the microwave, the extra bar sink, the
fold-out couch in the front room... and so much more!

UNIGLOBE Professional Travel makes the hotel arrangements for RCFM, so
call them at 800-653-6524 and reserve your hotel room


More info here -->

__Furries... in... Space...__

Artists and 'Suiters can keep this basic "theme" in mind as they
prepare their Artwork, skits, apparel or anything else they think of.

Remember, RCFM 3.14 is May 27th to the 29th in Huntsville, Alabama.

The Artists' Alley is once again going to be open 24 hours! There's
even event programming there this year for you art enthusiasts to

enjoy. There is also the Art Show, which we are once again conducting
this year.

If you wish to sell your original art in our Sunday Art auction or
display your works in the art show please contact Thalyn, our Art

Track Director. Contact information available here -->

__Lift off!__

Live band? Did I hear something about a live band?

What a better way to Orbital Attitude than to listen to the fabulous
furry band Sub-Level 03! Plan to stick around for Sunday evening,

because RCFM will be hosting our special Guests, Sub-Level 3, for the
first time and it will be a great show! They have been making

fantastic appearances all over the US recently, so we're thrilled to
have them performing for us on Sunday night!

The other live band (yes, TWO of them...) that we plan to have at RCFM
is Critical Fail. Brody Catsmouth brings this band home to

us, and we can't wait to see what they're going to play!

RCFM will be hosting 3 dances this year, on all three nights over
Memorial Day weekend. Send song requests for the Friday night

All-Request Dance by going to (If
you are interested in the fursuit friendly portion of the dance

just let them know the song you are requesting is for that portion of
the dance.)

__Finally, your chance to see 2's show!__

2 the Ranting Gryphon is blessing us all with his worthy presence this
year! (In case you haven't heard...) As one of our Guests of

Honor this year, he will be participating in a number of events and
panels, in addition to ranting up a storm on Saturday night.

The amateur rant on Friday night looks very promising. If you got
rant, then you might get some time on stage! Rant till the Gryphon

laughs... or shoots you down in verbal flames!

__StickDevil, arteest extroidinaire__

Our Artist Guest of Honor this year is StickDevil! That Crazy Den
Denizen is back again and this time he's actually been invited!

Come see him in the Den during Den hours and buy stuff!

Stickdevil will also be helping to host our first ever attempt at Iron
Artist. Can YOU draw something that the audience will vote for? In

the time limit we set? Using the secret "Artwork Medium"?? Are YOU an

(Don't worry, not even Stick knows what the Secret Medium will be.
It's a "Secret"!) He may also be found in the Black Jack tourney

and the Texas Hold em poker challenge. We hear he holds quite a hand,
but that's unconfirmed...


Babs Bunny is our talented Panelist of Honor for 2005, and she'll be
talking up a storm all weekend in Puppetry panels, Performance

panels... other panels, and also hosting a showing of Coyote Country in
our Video room with a discussion afterwards! Babs will also

be in the Sunday Variety Show, so be sure to look for her there. ;)

__How much would YOU pay?__

Just remember, YOU are the one who makes it all happen. Whether
attending, supporting or volunteering; your contribution to the

Meet really counts. We need you there to make RCFM Bigger, and Better,
and... a whole lot of FUN! (Did you think I was going to

say "uncut"? Silly wabbits. :P )

Visit if you are interested in
volunteering at the Meet. By working 3, 6 or 10 hours of

volunteer time, you can get $10, $20, or $30 off of next years
registration, respectively. Zeek is also entering volunteers for Prize

Drawings for every 3 hours you work. You never know what you might

Whether you are offering panels, being part of events, offering a skit
or just being in the audience... we want YOU there at RCFM.

Applause at events only works if there are many paws to make it! The
ultimate Pasta Feed only works if there are many registrations

to make it happen! Talk a friend into coming and give them a ride.
They'll thank you for it later!

This newsletter only covers a small portion of what you can expect to
see at RCFM 3.14. Please visit the RCFM website for more

information -->

As always please feel free to post this in your local mailing list or
anywhere else we have not posted yet. Audience participation is

welcomed and can be found on yahoogroups under the group name
"rocketcityfurmeet". Or visit the RCFM livejournal under

username "rcfm". -->

__What IS this RCFM Pi?__

It's on May 27th through the 29th in Huntsville, Alabama.
It's an irrational FurMeet that can't be explained in whole numbers.
It's a party for 200 of your closest friends.
It's only once a year, which makes it quite special.
It's a Dream that many of us worked hard to make a reality.
It's our goal to see many furs come together... and take home the
memories of a lifetime.
It's one of the few times we get to be ourselves.
It's a Fantasy come true.
It's a Passion.
It's a PLAN!

See y'all there... ;)


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