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Morphicon August 2005 Newsletter

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Morphicon 2006: "The Food Chain"
May 5-7 at the Radisson Columbus-Worthington

In this report:

******************************Morphicon Free Fall Picnic Announced (8/27)!

Morphicon's infamous Free Fall Picnic is a great kick-off to this year's delicious edible theme! Once again, we'll try to stuff furries until they burst with free meat, chips, and soda. And everyone's invited!

Here's the details from Venji, Morphicon's 2006 Outreach Planner:

I would like to announce that Morphicon's Annual Free Fall picnic will be held at the end of this month. The details are posted at the end of this announcement.

This years picnic shall again be held at Sharon Woods Metro Park, in the same place as it was last year. The reasoning for this is that it is easily accessible from major roadways and not to hard to find, and there's plenty of room for everyone.

We shall have lots of food, and a few games planned for everyone to join in on.

We shall be holding this picnic on August 27th, which is the last Saturday of this month. Initial setup will be done around 10 am, so everyone can start gathering then, and the first food will probably be prepared by noon.

What: Morphicon Free Fall Picnic
Why: To hang out with local furs, make new friends, and have lots of fun.
When: Saturday, August 27th, 10 am to 5 pm.
Where: Sharon Woods Metro Park, (Columbus) in the lakeside picnic area. We should have a shelter and banners/posters displaying where we are all gathering.

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Ohio Furry Writers Meeting Report

From SonicBlu, organizer of the Furry Writers of Ohio:

What a first meeting! We covered quite a few discussion topics and got some ideas going for the future of our group. Several people showed up for the event. Looked like everyone had a good time. I greatly enjoyed it. :)

As per one of the topics we discussed, it seems everyone was strongly in favor of creating an entire mailing list for our group activities. I took the liberty of starting up the account last night. The link to join is as

Announcements and discussions about the group and its events will continue to be posted there. Whether you are a writer who is interested in joining the group meets, or if you cannot make the meets (but would still like to join the mailing list), you are welcome to join nonetheless.

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Help Morphicon Select a Charity for 2006

Morphicon has been proud to partner with the Animal Adoption Foundation over the past two years. But it's time to bring the issue of charity back to our attendees and ask who you all would like to see benefit from your furry generosity.

Ideally, we'd like to know which charities in the central Ohio area would be appropriate for our donation. We can select any charity that is furry-relevant and a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization, provided there is no conflict of interest between Morphicon's Board of Directors and the charity.

To suggest a possible candidate, please join the Morphicon mailing list at and let us know what you think!

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On the Horizon

Next month, we will feature information about available dealer's room slots, the upcoming Patron t-shirt contest, and future monthly events between now and May. If you have any questions, feel free to voice them on our mailing list or by email.

As always, see for more information on the organization, and for information on the current convention year. Stay furry!


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