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Morphicon Winter Holiday Newsletter!

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Morphicon: "The Food Chain": May 5-7, 2006

Radisson Columbus-Worthington, OH
Honoring: Candy and Ryan DeWalt, and Bill Holbrook

In this issue:

Morphicon 2006 Deadlines
Important deadlines for 2006 are as follows:

* Free Patron Membership Contest: February 15, 2006
Our art contest ends in under two months, and there are very few entries so far. Entries must be line-art, and fit "The Food Chain" theme. All entries must be emailed or postmarked by 2/15. One winner will be selected for the free Patron Membership, and their artwork will go on the convention t-shirt. The runners-up will see their artwork in the 2006 conbook. For all submissions and queries, send email to: goodies AT

* Registration: March 1st, 2006 (early reg = save $10!)
Pre-registration is the same as last year ($30), but the cost of a registration at the door is increasing. If you wish to register for Morphicon early (and save $10), you have to do it by the deadline. We will not accept mail-in forms or online registrations postmarked after March 1st. For more:

Remember, Hypertrophe level memberships are only available through early registration.

* Dealer's Registration: As soon as tables sell out.
Want to be a dealer? It's pretty cheap to do so at Morphicon. But you'll need to act fast to secure your table, because our dealer’s room is nearly full. You’ll also need information on getting a seller’s permit in Ohio. Email dealers AT for more information if you're thinking about being a dealer. We can help you get set up.

* Other Conbook Submissions: March 1st, 2006
Any submissions for the conbook that are not appropriate for the t-shirt contest (i.e. poetry, stories, advertisements, or grayscale art) must also be received by March 1st. Submissions and requests for information, advertisment rates, or flyer swaps with our convention can be handled through: publications AT

* Hotel Reservations: April 19th, 2006
Hotel rooms must be reserved by April 19th, but we recommend you do it sooner than later. After the deadline the room block will no longer be held. To reserve a room, call the Radisson directly at 614-436-0700, or fax them at 614-436-5318. You may also call the central office at 1-800-333-3333. You must ask for the Morphicon room rate (room block MO-503) to get the discount rate.

Reserving a room helps reduce costs for the con and makes it easier for us to provide you with quality services.

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Sponsorship Levels

Sponsors, for an extra $15, will get two signed color prints and a nifty collectible sponsor button, as well as an invitation to the high-class “I Scream Antisocial” event.

Patrons, for an extra $55, will get everything the Sponsors get, and more: a Morphicon 2005 t-shirt with the winning entry printed on the front, admission to the catered Guest of Honor dinner, preferred seating at Morphicon events, yet another special lunch, and an extra collectible print.

Hypertrophes are fantastic individuals who donate $200 or more to Morphicon for a given year, before the early registration deadline of March 1st. In addition to all of the benefits of Patron, you’ll receive a truly gianormous laminated conbadge, credit and kudos in the conbook (with your own bio), a second limited edition button, a special gift from each of our GoH’s, and a secret surprise!

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Looking to Get Involved at the Con?
Our convention doesn't work without your involvement. Here are some areas where we'd love to have a paw.

Charity: Please help us raise money for Ferrets Unlimited! We need your art and memorabilia donations for our charity art auction and raffle. The goods you donate will make the con more fun and help save some furry lives. Send an email to charity AT if you're so inclined. The animals thank you!

Performance: Join one of the few judged furry masquerades out there. We accept suits that may have won awards at other conventions, and our masque has three levels of experience. If you're thinking of taking the plunge, send email to masquerade AT for more information.

Also, our infamous Furry Variety Show could always use some volunteers for pre-scripted performances. We'll find a place for you, so if you’re curious, send email to varietyshow AT today (adults only).

As always, feel free to visit for up-to-date information on what's happening at the convention. We'll see you in May!


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