Morphicon Thanksgiving 2006 Newsletter!
Morphicon 4: "TechnoFurs" May 18-20, 2007
Radisson Columbus-Worthington, OH
Honoring: Steve Plunkett, Summer Jackson, and Kitt Foxx
In this issue:
* New Staff Positions Announced
* Morphicon Group and Emails Sorted Out
* Registration and Hotel
* Upcoming Scheduled Events
* Next Up...**************************************
<< New Staff Positions Announced >>
Kasi Frost, who volunteered her bottom off for the con last year, will be on board as our Security staff lead this year. Welcome aboard!
Also, Akea, our long-time webhost, is now in charge of the Morphicon website. We welcome his involvement as well!
Ostrich has recently stepped down as the Programming Head for Morphicon 2007, due primarily to health and time issues. His competence and zeal will be sorely missed. The Chair and the entire Board are grateful for his service.
See the above link for all the things Ostrich has already helped to plan for 2007, and you'll have an idea of how hard he's worked for the convention just this year!
Trickster will be taking up the Programming Head position and supplementing as Hotel Liaison. For the time being, she will also be performing Outreach, so the local events fall to her.
Other staff positions will be announced in a little over three weeks with Morphicon's always-big Holiday Newsletter, which is the one we send out in printed form to last year's attendees.
So what's on the con's mind for the holidays? We're currently seeking furs to help staff Hospitality; our biggest concern is experience with buying in bulk, thrift, and transportation logistics. If you're interested or have advice, send a note to the Morphicon mailing list (see below)!
<< Morphicon Group and Emails Sorted Out >>
The Morphicon Group and Email situation has finally been sorted out by our Board. Here's the new information:
The Google group will be used from now on. The Yahoo group is going to be deleted at the end of December, so please make the switch now. Don't miss out on news about the convention!
Our email addresses will revert to the ones, but the gmail ones will still work (they end up in the same place). Here are the primary email contacts you'll need to know:
Board of Directors: board AT
ConCom Chair (Max Goof): chair AT
Operations (Pelzig): operations AT
Publications (Kattywampus): publications AT
Programming (Trickster): programming AT
Registration (Jewel): members AT
Dealers (Pelzig, for now): dealers AT
Charity (Pelzig, for now): charity AT
The latter two are positions that Pelzig will announce sometime in early December. The website will be updated soon with the new information.
<< Registration and Hotel >>
The online registration system is waiting for your entry. Our system this year is MUCH easier to use:
With the swelling numbers of furries at recent conventions, it's very important that you register early this year and secure a hotel room well in advance of the convention. Giving us a good estimate of attendance helps the convention plan well enough to give every dollar donated to Morphicon back to our members. Plus, you save $10.00 with a little foresight!
Dealers tables are also available. Contact dealers AT if you're interested in being a dealer. Prices are comparable to last year, so tables are cheap and won't last long!
Note for dealers: We have heard that, as of last year, there were issues with out of state dealers being given zero-tolerance by the State of Ohio in late filings. Please contact dealers AT if this happened to you. We need to determine the scope and nature of the problem so that our dealers can be adequately prepared to handle their taxation. Depending on review, the Board may consider alternate means of dealing with dealer tax in future years. At present, we expect that 2007 will use the same taxation strategy as previous years. See the Morphicon website for more information.
<< Upcoming Scheduled Events >>
Our Thanksgiving Potluck Feast was cancelled in the wake of the change in Programming Head, but all of the other events this year have been successful and fun furry gatherings. Here are the next couple of events:
Furry Xmas Shopping
When: December 9 (Saturday), 3pm at Polaris.
Details: Wander through the malls, window-shop and actual-shop. We'll go from Polaris to Tuttle Crossing and end up at Easton, to see the lights after dark.
OHS Museum
When: January 14 (Sunday), noon at the main entrance.
Details: Learn about Ohio history. Indian massacres, horrible murders, political scandals, natural disasters, and more! $4 parking. $7 admission.
Events that follow this may change slightly from the original schedule, depending upon public interest. In keeping with Morphicon's theme of supporting the arts, we will host an art party or free figure drawing class, scheduled for early Spring.
Email programming AT for more information on specific events. Or, for more up-to-date information on schedule changes, join the Morphicon Group!
Expect more information to come in the upcoming Holiday Newsletter! In the meantime, join the Morphicon Group to get the skinny on all the latest happenings.
See you in May, and stay furry!

About the author
Trickster (A. Wolf) — read stories — contact (login required)an eternal student / researcher from OH, interested in about 6.9%
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