IndyFurCon outgrows hotel six months before launch

Most new furry conventions strike an uneasy balance with growth. Furry Connection North found it had to move immediately after its first year. But IndyFurCon has gone one better, claiming to have outgrown its hotel half a year before launch.
Whoozfur Inc. Vice President Drittauge Cougar explained the situation:
After research due to high demand for the event, we have concluded that our current venue is unable to provide adequate space and accommodations for the convention. [...] The Hilton Indianapolis North will be taking over as our venue for IndyFurCon 2010.
Update: Memberships are on sale until Sunday. Regular: $40 -> $25, Sponsor: $70 -> $50, Supersponsor: $130 -> $105, Lifetime: $250 -> $225
According to Drittauge, the change benefits both members and the convention, providing greater space and facilities and saving Whoozfur thousands. The central location reportedly also offers better access to mass transit and nearby restaurants.
The price of rooms in the convention hotel will remain the same, at $94/night. Reservations will not be automatically transferred, though those made at the Hilton Garden Inn Fishers will be canceled. Those at the cheaper Holiday Inn will have to cancel their reservations themselves. Rooms at the new hotel are to become available later this week.
IndyFurCon is using the concept of lifetime memberships — only available in the first year — which initially act as a Supersponsor membership, then (for gold or silver levels) as a Supersponsor or sponsor membership for three years after that, and as a regular membership in future years.

About the author
GreenReaper (Laurence Parry) — read stories — contact (login required)a developer, editor and Kai Norn from London, United Kingdom, interested in wikis and computers
Small fuzzy creature who likes cheese & carrots. Founder of WikiFur, lead admin of Inkbunny, and Editor-in-Chief of Flayrah.
Anybody know what kind of numbers we're talking about here?
From Whoozfur secretary Ryn: 30 pre-reg, of which about 1/4 are lifetime members (I'm one; seems a good deal). "Interest" from 50-75 others. Various "big names" are coming, which may induce their friends to come along.
This is six months before the con. I suspect they'll get more firm signups once people start casting around for the next local con after FWA, FCN and Morphicon, but we'll see. Historically, only about half of MFF attendees pre-register.
As for the move, I think they made the right call. The Garden Inn only has 110 rooms and 5527 sq. ft. in two function rooms. The new hotel has 221 guest rooms and almost three times the space (16,215 sq. ft.), and it's in nine rooms.
I checked with Tora; the comment here ostensibly from "Tora Nightprowler" offering a different reason for the departure was fake, and posted by a user whose searches suggest an intent to defame the convention.
Flayrah will not hesitate to report such impersonation attempts to service providers and law enforcement.
I wonder if it's the same person who did this.
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