PafCon returns to Vegas next year
Posted by GreenReaper (Laurence Parry) on Wed 31 Mar 2010 - 22:11 — Edited as of Sun 24 Jul 2011 - 22:43
Furs in Las Vegas will be dusting off the fursuits to attend PafCon, scheduled for 25-27 February next year:
There is a new event coming to Las Vegas in 2011. [...] If you have ever wanted to become part of Vegas lore, spend a Sunday morning ambling along the famous Strip in costume, see a show and meet some of your favorite artists, this event is for you.
Promotion has occurred at Further Confusion and Furry Weekend Atlanta. Further details will be announced "over the next months."
The event comes seven years after the mysterious death of an attendee during a convention of the same name.

About the author
GreenReaper (Laurence Parry) — read stories — contact (login required)a developer, editor and Kai Norn from London, United Kingdom, interested in wikis and computers
Small fuzzy creature who likes cheese & carrots. Founder of WikiFur, lead admin of Inkbunny, and Editor-in-Chief of Flayrah.
Oh, you...
My stupidity sense is tingling, ah snap are furries metaphorically gonna shoot themselves in the foot yet again?
Nah, they'll just have the farmers mistaking them for wild animals do it for them.
I'm trying to figure out if this one is a joke or not.
Some time ago was there an attempt to bring PAFCON as 21 and over fetish, furpiling orgy.
Just as long as what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas . . .
Unfortunately they have it scheduled for the same weekend as Furry Fiesta in 2011.
That is unfortunate - though they probably chose it for the same reason, the venue was cheap and available then.
IF...and I do say IF...this is real, that website doesn't reflect it. With only four months and counting, they SHOULD have some sort of information up about hotel reservations, events, guests and such. "Coming soon" is too short notice, by this point.
I'm pretty sure it isn't real. Nice idea, though.
So if it's not real, was it being planned as a real convention, or was it a joke/hoax from the outset?
A good website developer could have easily whipped up that page. Noting that it becomes 'https', as in secure, is rather interesting, though.
Besides, it states that this was promoted at Further Confusion...something I do not remember witnessing.
I can't speak for FC on a personal basis; the claim is from Turin Aramaia. I saw flyers at FWA and apparently Cubbi saw some at FCN. Of course, anyone can put flyers on a table.
I've heard that the person organizing this has run into some financial issues and it looks grave for this 'event' to truly take place.
...we've already done it. Held a fursuit parade along The Strip. Hit the shops. Ate. Saw attractions. Etc. Dirt cheap. Rooming for the week was cheaper then parking at FC.
One big hitch; suiting on The Strip is SO NOT like at a hotel con. Talking lots of young people, barely old enough to buy the gigantic alcoholic containers, acting loose and without a conscience, makes for a risky tour.
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