'Star Fox' and 'Zelda': a future of uncertainty?
This year's E3 presentation was one that many will not forget, as it contained the unveiling of the new "Wii U" video game console. It also had a rather interesting Question and Answer session where series creator Shigeru Miyamoto warned developers (hopefully jokingly) that if Star Fox 64 3D (home) and The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (home) were not the best video games in their respective series, both series would be cancelled — permanently.
Certainly, such a severe warning would be meant to push the developers to make the best games they can. However, gaming website IGN interviewed Katsuya Eguchi, a Nintendo software producer and director, who revealed that Nintendo may already be considering a new Star Fox game for the Wii U, to make up for the flying fox's no-show on the Wii.
Only time will tell if Fox McCloud and his friends return in a game of their own.

About the author
Ringtailed Fox — read stories — contact (login required)a freelance editor & writer and Fox-raccoon hybrid from Windsor, Ontario, Canada, interested in bicycle riding, reading and video games
A Star Fox 64 remake not being the best? Not really a huge bet as Star Fox 64 is already considered the best in the series, though I still like the SNES Star Fox over all the others.
Yeah, I remember when I heard about the Wii remote.
My thoughts were "Wow, Super Smash Bros. is gonna be weird but surely they'll put in Krystal, and also Star Fox is gonna rock."
One console cycle later, and three Star Fox characters with the same moveset and no Krystal in Brawl and a remake of a remake on a gimmicky handheld is all I've got.
Thanks, Nintendo!
PS3 has... the best games X3
PS3 will.....lose it's edge to Wii U
I was trying to reference an old meme, not start a console war.
Weeeeeell... Star Fox wasn't technically a no-show--he was rightfully featured in Super Smash Bros.
i know... and the gamecube games were playable on the wii... but a standalone starfox game for hte console never materialized...
~ The Legendary RingtailedFox
This is trufax. He hasn't seen a new game in a while...
I hope they come out with a new StarFox game. I haven't heard from him in awhile and I miss him. He doesn't write, he doesn't call, I'm starting to forget what he looks like!
Ironically many gamers would not consider Skyward Sword the best in the series, yet Zelda STILL gets a new sequel before Star Fox does...
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