Bad Karma shutters Ychan, Yiffy International,
In a sudden move, Bad Karma Networks has closed the Ychan image board, furry art community and forum Yiffy International, and stoner fur community site
When we're young the day stands still, but as we age time begins to speed us by until it seems there is never enough. We're proud of how far the community has come in the 11 years since we opened our doors, but sadly we no longer have the time to make this the site that you deserve. We'll miss you and the fun we've had together deeply - but remember that in every ending is a new beginning. We wish you the best in all your new beginnings to come!
Parts of Yiffy International - formed by a three-way merger in August 2008 - had been up since 2002, while Ychan launched March 2008. opened in 2007 as

Yiffy International and Ychan were still used, but not competitive with larger furry art archives and imageboards
One member had fond memories for Yiffy International:
I'd been a member for almost five years, hell I was a stalker of the site back when it first started. [...] After FurAffinity, they were the second furry website I had joined, I had met many wonderful people there and I will miss them.
However, a Ychan user criticised the decision, claiming that the site was well-funded by its members: just lost ALL my little respect I had for it. they shut down a site that runs itself based on what the community puts into it, plus they've had countless donation counters asking for cash to keep the servers up, and when they reach their goal of several thousand dollars they put another one up. [...] every week they asked for donations, sometimes more than once a week if they got their quota.
Bad Karma Networks had also taken over hosting of, but closed the site in March 2012 after six months of inactivity.

About the author
GreenReaper (Laurence Parry) — read stories — contact (login required)a developer, editor and Kai Norn from London, United Kingdom, interested in wikis and computers
Small fuzzy creature who likes cheese & carrots. Founder of WikiFur, lead admin of Inkbunny, and Editor-in-Chief of Flayrah.
MAY 15. 2016.
Noted on my calendar
*Prevent Spayce from entering North America*
Fuck you and your retarded attempts at being funny.
Karma owes me a fucking happymeal + a date
Ease up my friend
Am I the only one who saw this coming?
Was there anything in particular which hinted at this? I admit, I'd not been by the sites myself recently.
Yiff/Yiffy hasn't aged well as a word, particularly after the CSI episode used it. People tend to groan when hearing it more often then when the neologism first appeared. As time went on there were those that realized that though they once embraced those words it was time to change their name or risk isolating furs who don't like that particular nomenclature.
YiffStar became SoFurry, for instance. Others of course stuck with their guns. It's times like this where I'm sure that SoFurry are glad they made that decision, despite the grief they may have gotten at the time.
It hasn't? Maybe for some people. I still use it. The Yiffstar to Sofurry change wasn't about the word ageing badly, it was about the site changing it's focus. It was moving from just being about porn to being about a furry community.
"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~
That's correct, and Yiffy International was also focusing on the "furry community" aspect, but it didn't drop the Y-word as SoFurry decided to do. How much better would it have done under Furry International? Don't know, maybe it wouldn't have done any better. I'm sure though when trying to establish a community, it made a mistake keeping the name.
Besides it was basically the guy getting sick of running it, that can happen despite the site's rank. Popularity would effect, however, another's willingness to take it over instead of letting it out to pasture.
in the bigger picture there is a percentage of the fandom and fringe who wouldn't be caught dead using words like yiff, scritchies, murrfles ect. as a part of their day-to-day lexicon. i myself have never uttered the term unironically in the same vein as "LOL". to me they sound like baby talk. i'm an adult with a sufficiently robust vocabulary that i can express the point i want to fornicate without uttering the Y word. i noticed the prevalence of the use of "yiff" as a colloquial expression within the fandom seemed to start to taper off about 10 years ago +/-. there still seem to be its diehard adherents, but i guess much like with fashion there are folks who're never going to be pried away from their bedazzlers and suede fringe.
There are so meany people that I ave lost conttact with dew to this, I will miss you my friends and i hope we shall meet again in time
Welp, I'll miss that stupid fucking chatroom.... been going there for last five years...
i agree with you i will miss that chatroom as well. i was ban after 3 years of being there 1 offense first ever got perma ban from site. i even went as far as helping a small amount in a donation. will still miss that chatroom i finally get unban and able to get onsite then its offline :/ shame.
p.s was ban for asking about a now Ex gf that got ban which i latter learned after she told me to ask karma why she got ban'ed. thats how i ended up perma ban first ever offence and was asked through a pm....
this make me sad and angry at same time.
It was a terrible website(s) in both appearance, functionality and community. Nothing of value has been lost.
Not so terrible, the thing that kill that place was the drama make by some FurAffinity 'artists' crying like a child about some role players using their free 'artwork', making yiffy to break, but yeah Nothing of value has been lost.
You only say that coouse we probabbly hated you
This is terrible!!!! Surely is archived somewhere? why not sell it to one of us who has much love for the site! :(
I'll miss all my friends from the site as well.
I'll be on Mamabliss' chat as Gato, or Sofurry's chat as BlackGato.
It would be such better news if it was "PedoBunny shuts down" rather than Yiffy International.
i will miss the site as well, i have fond memories but a new site to take refugee called
My, this was sudden wasn't it?
Shitty, but it happens. Nothing lasts forever after all.
well aint this a bitch
while I enjoy that you used my journal from inkbunny, you could have asked first
Shut the fuck up dramawhore autist
There was a furry stoner community.................
Well, I'll be...
Sad to see this site go. It had a nice community and the Admins did a pretty good job at running things IMO.
However, I also run a similar site, and invite users there as well.
may i ask what your site is?? and if it has a decent chat room for roleplaying?? also was wondering if you at least give a warning instead of going straight to a perma ban...unlike badkarma who instantly went to perma ban :/ for everything....
I run The TNSC Community, we have a few chat rooms. Not perfect for a small project with no funding, but functional.
As far as the "warning" system:
We follow a "3 strikes" rule. Our 3 strikes rules on taking corrective action is as follows:
1st offense in one area of the site = private warning.
2nd offense in one area of the site = public warning.
3rd offense in one area of the site = banned from that area of the site.
If the offense moves to other areas of the site, you will be banned from the entire site.
Again the site is far from perfect, but is functional for a site with no funding going into it whatsoever.
if any fur from ychat remembers me send me like messages on FA . my username there is ilikeyou, just as it was on on ychat
Aw man, I'm really gonna miss that chat. Where are all the furs chatting now?
F-list is pretty busy, and places like Tapestries and FurryMUCK are still around.
Well, that lasted longer than expected. Apparently strong arming liars can temporarily prosper. is now back and an independent site
praise thy based god
I wish them the best of luck, but right now I really don't think this will turn out to be a success story. I mean, this actually looks pretty sad.
Thank god the sites shit down fucking Karma is a asshole and banned me from someone elses lies and i donated 250 dollars to them that god it got taken down
I agree with Anon I got banned as well for no reason at all i did nothing wrong i read the rules and Karma Banned me for having a name that was used 5 years ago when i never herd about their site so I am glad that its taken down. And the Rude email i still have saved from Karma i can prove that the staff of are croupted
courpt was an understatement i was banned for asking him a question. a fucking question. no warning nothing. banned from even getting onto or any of there sites. karma could have gone about that better like "here's a warning please don't do this again". i had to ask somebody i trusted to get my rp profiles off the site since i couldn't even get on it from a computer that had never been on that site being used at a relatives house on there internet entirely separate from my own. that's just how badly banned i apparently was. =.= karma was not an easy going person. instead was very harsh and seemed to be very easy to piss off =/
SniperFox here! is now back up as an independent site. All of the old mods and karma are gone. It's just me now.
Damn years later and I've always still have had fond memories of this chatroom, there was nothing like it and to this day still. Yeah it was toxic with the staff but at the same time, there were a lot of times where we would all just come together and build our little community, the users not the staff. As the RP owner of The Back Streets channel, the gay bar there. I did more than any of the staff and made it into an actual bar for people to come in and relax. It was good times, a struggle at points but yeah, This is one chat room I'll miss the most for the experience of it all, I met a lot of good people there at my absolute lowest <3~
The MUCKs I mentioned are still around if you haven't tried them. Also I hear good things about Wolfery.
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