June 2014 Newsbytes archive
Contributors this month include crossaffliction, dronon, earthfurst, Fred, GreenReaper, mwalimu, Patch Packrat, Poetigress, Rakuen Growlithe, RingtailedFox and Sonious.
Rakuen Growlithe: All about tanukis' giant balls.
crossaffliction: Disney females reimagined as Sailor Moon-esque characters. Worth a furry mention for actually remembering Nala (and having a Meridia I could actually kind of get behind).
dronon: The Animal Project is a film about an acting teacher who pushes his students to re-engage with the world around them by donning animal suits.
Patch Packrat: Furry news of the week: Animal Project movie, costume pranks and more (6-4-14).
crossaffliction: Kristopher Tapley of In Contention ranks all of DreamWorks Animation’s movies. His number one pick is jaw dropping.
crossaffliction: And speaking of DreamWorks, their most iconic character may be making his cinematic return sooner rather than later. I am of course talking about Sinbad.
Fred: What if Finding Nemo or The Lion King were biologically correct?
Rakuen Growlithe: Lessons in love from red velvet mites.
Sonious: Miami New Times blog gives egocentric new meaning by crediting the CSI “Fur and Loathing” episode to CSI: Miami instead of the original from Las Vegas.
crossaffliction: Quick on the heels of his surprising best DreamWorks movies list, Oscar pundit Kris Tapley says “Screw Best Animated Feature. HTTYD2 for Best friggin’ Picture.”
GreenReaper: Rats regret not waiting for good food.
RingtailedFox: Pool repairman saves squirrel with CPR!
mwalimu: Orangina France has released three new commercials that feature anthro animal characters.
crossaffliction: Things cat owners already know. So shut up about them, already.
crossaffliction: I’m trying to formulate an Alien: Resurrection joke here, and failing.
crossaffliction: Rocket Raccoon and Groot share a new poster for Guardians of the Galaxy.
GreenReaper: British parliament mulls primate pet ban.
GreenReaper: Another long-lost furry game legend reappears: Star Fox is to return on the Wii U's GamePad.
dronon: And now, a message for Californians about saving energy.
dronon: Disney Junior announces The Lion Guard.
Patch Packrat: Furry news of the week: Dolphins on LSD and more (6-11-14).
mwalimu: Eric Hill, author and illustrator of the Spot the puppy children's books, has died at age 86.
Rakuen Growlithe: FA has discontinued use of Viglink due to privacy fears, three years after the issues were raised.
mwalimu: Facebook group Concerned Parents Against the Furry Fandom and counter-group Furries Against Concerned Parents Against the Furry Fandom provoke much discussion about whether either or both groups are parodies.
GreenReaper: Scientists tease frogs with tasty crickets to test tongues.
Fred: The coat of arms of Inari, Lapland, Finland, is a fish with a reindeer's antlers.
Patch Packrat: Indie, 2D animated movie Dawgtown looks like a perfect match for furry fan interest. George Foreman has joined its voice cast.
crossaffliction: I find the “they all grew male genitalia” genre more common, but I guess they had to keep it SFW. Also, hilarious coming all of one whole day after this.
GreenReaper: Got spare hubcaps? Why not make a giant owl out of them?
Patch Packrat: Secret identity: Autistic teen uses mascot suit to connect with peers.
Rakuen Growlithe: The oldest cat in the world died on 6 June.
dronon: Direct-to-DVD animated release (?) - Agent F.O.X.
GreenReaper: What's it like raising a pair of tigers at home? This family found out.
earthfurst: Ken Forsse, creator of Teddy Ruxpin, died in March at age 77. Obits at The Washington Post & TeddyRuxpinOnline.
GreenReaper: @BadFurry's Guide to the Furry Fandom is set to be funded. [@FurStarter]
crossaffliction: Check out the new comic art inspired TMNT movie posters.
crossaffliction: Oh, and here’s the movie incarnation of the Shredder (with bonus back of Splinter’s head!).
GreenReaper: The spiders who go fishing.
GreenReaper: Feel like doing some transformation art and maybe winning a Surface Pro 3? You have five days remaining. [Porsupah]
Fred: Blacksad vol. 5, “Amarillo,” coming in English in October -- but! Stuart Ng says in his June 20 update that, "Amarillo will not be out in English until late October and it will be 8.3 x 5.9 inches, not 12.5 x 9.5 like the French album, that's a full 33% smaller and not even as big as the previous American editions. So if you want to see the art as it was meant to be seen, buy the French edition!"
GreenReaper: Lawmakers to New Yorkers: Keep the pet tattoos on your own skin.
GreenReaper: Splatoon checklist: Squid? Check. Paintguns? Check. Multiplayer arena? Check.
Fred: Do wolves communicate with their eyes?
GreenReaper: Colombian drug-hippos: a perplexing problem.
Patch Packrat: Furry news of the week: Obama likes us (6/26/14).
Fred: World's most beautiful sponge looks nothing like SpongeBob SquarePants.
Fred: Giant rats in Mozambique trained to sniff out land mines, tuberculosis.
GreenReaper: WikiFur deploys hovercards and lightboxes as part of comprehensive upgrades.
Poetigress: Furry Writers' Guild has a new president and a new look for its website.
dronon: New variant on a pre-existing game: One Night Ultimate Werewolf.

About the author
crossaffliction (Brendan Kachel) — read stories — contact (login required)a reporter and Red Fox from Hooker, Oklahoma, interested in movies, horror, stand up comedy
Formerly Wichita's only furry comic.
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