Newsbytes archive for November 2015
Contributors this month include crossaffliction, DarkXander, dronon, earthfurst, Fred, GreenReaper, InkyCrow, Kakurady, mwalimu, Rakuen Growlithe and RingtailedFox.
GreenReaper: Ride the bear, or be the hare? You'll decide, in the world of Wild.
DarkXander: Supposedly IMVU owns and Pays for FA Servers, Yet, FA just news posted that they reluctantly added Google Surveys, and Ads, to help fund the site. IMVU not keeping their side of the contract?
DarkXander: Or is the rumor I've heard that the Dragoneer and IMVU had a falling out ...
GreenReaper: British Film Institute to screen lost print of Disney's "Sleigh Bells" featuring Oswald the Lucky Rabbit on Dec 12.
crossaffliction: A list of possible contenders for the Best Animated Feature Oscar (go Shaun the Sheep!).
crossaffliction: At the risk of becoming "Squirrel Girl Daily," more Squirrel Girl news (a kid's novel).
GreenReaper: Inkbunny touts upcoming watch notification filtering after Fur Affinity promises a similar feature.
crossaffliction: 16 movies officially submitted for Best Animated Feature.
crossaffliction: "nevermind i just looked at some of the porn and its actuially kinda hot please make more" [NSFW-ish/via r/furry]
crossaffliction: The Sasquatch of SpongeBob SquarePants movies.
crossaffliction: In more SFW Zootopia news, one of the actual animators has publicly and positively acknowledged furries.
Fred: Sea lions are poisoning themselves.
Fred: The absurd Greenland shark.
RingtailedFox: Mouse caught smuggling drugs in Brazilian prison.
Fred: The Internet's most famous cat?
dronon: Stormtrooper helmets for African wildlife.
GreenReaper: New vocabulary discovered for use by panda cub furs.
Fred: Crocodiles as Indonesian prison guards.
Patch Packrat: What Zootopia tweet acknowledged furries? More info please! It's gone... oooh, maybe Disney is uber controlling marketing strategy for something they want strictly behind the scenes. BTW that SpongeBob story is AMAZING.
crossaffliction: @Patch, here's the Tweet to a Tweet; if I was smart I would have screengrabbed it.
Patch Packrat: Cool :) Keep an eye out... I sent an interview request, will acknowledge your tip if it goes anywhere.
dronon: Looking for a family game? Animal upon Animal. (Also yay Patch! Hope an interview comes through!)
crossaffliction: Watch where you put your hand.
GreenReaper: Fox McCloud shows off what he's got down below in Star Fox: The Animated Series.
Fred: Cockroaches wearing tiny backpacks could rescue humans.
GreenReaper: Yet another online magazine editor decides 'The Fursuit of Happiness' is a good story title.
crossaffliction: Chinese posters revealed (and note the Zootopia tweet gives credit to a furry Twitter account).
crossaffliction: The French poster for Zootopia.
crossaffliction: A non-furry reads that "Fursuit of Happiness" article.
Fred: The last of the pink dolphins.
Fred: Snuggly blanket bats.
Fred: Herding geese - 1,300 of them.
dronon: Disney's Zootopia Twitter account also posted Silverfox5213's fan art last June!
crossaffliction: The MLP:FiM movie gets a release date; a very confident November 3, 2017.
GreenReaper: Your parents were right to worry: watching Mufasa's death in The Lion King affects your colour perception.
GreenReaper: Now trending: #JeSuisChien.
crossaffliction: 25 years of professional wrestler The Undertaker's career ... reenacted by cats.
mwalimu: Does this photo of a man in a bunny mask dragging a woman into an abandoned building portray an unsolved crime? Not according to snopes, which identifies it as part of a 2010 art project by photographer Eliot Lee Hazel.
Fred: Rare bald squirrel.
earthfurst: Beta launch of furry-oriented Patreon competitor expected by new year from creators of Tigerdile.
Fred: The caterpillar that eats snail burritos.
GreenReaper: Zootropolis' first non-teaser trailer is out.
GreenReaper: Bald squirrel of Dunstable caught before winter sets in.
DarkXander: FurrTrax hit 14,000 members on Oct 8, is at 14,630 now; looking to break 15,000 by Christmas.
crossaffliction: Thankfully, someone thought ahead and screenshotted that Zootopia tweet.
Kakurady: The red panda is now listed as “endangered” again in the @IUCNRedList. (via @RedPandaNetwork)
InkyCrow: The lives of urban critters are profiled in the animated short "They Crawl Amongst Us!".
GreenReaper: What connects a bouncy rabbit with Little Red's wolf? They both used Korean motel-finding app 'mo ga' to get a room.
Rakuen Growlithe: Makyo resigns as editor-in-chief of [adjective][species].
GreenReaper: Swan fan Faithry reportedly passed away November 8, age 34.
crossaffliction: Benedict Cumberbatch is an otter that beats up teddy bears.
earthfurst: #WarForTheApesContest: Send ape impersonation video by Nov. 30 - winner gets to be an extra in 2017 PotA film.

About the author
crossaffliction (Brendan Kachel) — read stories — contact (login required)a reporter and Red Fox from Hooker, Oklahoma, interested in movies, horror, stand up comedy
Formerly Wichita's only furry comic.
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