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Dan Shaw and Cuddles Make Bid For State House.

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For Immediate Release Contact: Dan Shaw
Friday, February 27, 2004

Dan Shaw who lives in Ellsworth is seeking the Democratic nomination for Representative to the Legislature from House District 38. House District 38 includes Ellsworth, Otis, and Trenton.

“Representing the people of District 38 would be a great honor and a privilege,” said Mr. Shaw. “Serving in the legislature is about improving the quality of life for Maine citizens. I am running for the legislature because of my commitment to dealing with issues that matter most to Maine families-access to affordable health care, taking care of our children and our elderly, access to affordable higher education, and sound economic development which includes good jobs. I want to introduce my real-life experiences to the legislature,” said Shaw.

Dan Shaw is well known to area children and adults as the owner of Cuddles, the world’s first guide horse. Dan, who has retinitis pigmentosa, a disease of the eyes affecting his vision, acquired Cuddles three years ago as a substitute for a guide dog. Since then his story has been recounted to Oprah Winfrey, Barbara Walters, and Connie Chung to name only a few.

Dan, 47, is a book writer, carpenter, and a landscaper. He is married to Ann Shaw who is employed at Maine Coast Memorial Hospital in Ellsworth.

Dan and Cuddles can be visited at their Website:

Dan is a Maine Clean Election candidate and will accept no campaign funds from special interest political action committees (PACs).


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