July 2013 Newsbytes archive
Contributors this month include crossaffliction, Draconis, dronon, earthfurst, Fred, GreenReaper, Higgs Raccoon, Kakurady, mailboxbooks, mwalimu, Patch Packrat, Rakuen Growlithe and RingtailedFox.
Fred: You can stop watching for cicadas.
Fred: Mystery orcas may be a new whale species.
crossaffliction: In Contention makes their first tentative stabs at the Best Animated Feature race. Can Ernest and Celestine pull off the surprise upset?
RingtailedFox: Rottweiler survives four gunshot wounds from neighbor.
RingtailedFox: Video: Dog nearly run over at Tour de France.
Fred: Mass extinction of life on Earth in a billion years.
GreenReaper: It has begun - Anthrocon 2013 media coverage, that is.
RingtailedFox: Hawthorne, California police murder dog after raid.
RingtailedFox: Woman mauled by lion at South Africa wildlife refuge.
RingtailedFox: Oklahoma tornado pets are up for adoption!
RingtailedFox: Russian driver slams into mating cows (don't worry, they were miraculously uninjured)!
dronon: An article on animal consciousness, and chimpanzees mourning.
Fred: Llamas are like potato chips, says NY pet owner of 55 llamas.
Higgs Raccoon: Good news for the featheries. Scientists at University of Sheffield say 'humans may need to grow beaks'.
dronon: Animated short: Bye Bye Bunny.
Fred: Self-cleaning eggs. Do eggs get dirty?
Fred: Birth control for deer.
RingtailedFox: Lentil the French bulldog puppy helps children with facial deformities (such as cleft palate).
dronon: Interview with Stan Sakai in the Los Angeles Times.
Fred: Is PETA killing too many animals?
Fred: Study shows that ants communicate like the Internet works.
Higgs Raccoon: Simon (of Alvin and the Chipmunks) kidnapped from Californian cinema.
dronon: Attention cats! Be more dog.
GreenReaper: FNN stirs from hiatus, overhauls site.
RingtailedFox: Snake on a train! - Snake hitches a ride on flooded GO train in Toronto!
GreenReaper: Anyone catch the furry taxi at #AC2013?
Fred: Cats rule the world? We knew that! Now, thanks to artists, everyone will.
dronon: Tentative films in development: Tailchaser's Song and White Fang.
Fred: Monkey: Journey to the West is a grand spectacle for New Yorkers.
Fred: DNA proves the Chihuahua is from Mexico -- but earlier than some think.
Draconis: Let's see if this works. I have a photo for my story but I could not get it to upload. Who do I send it to?
Draconis: Yes I would eat a roo. I already have. Tasty too.
Fred: Yes, I ate a kangaroo steak at an Australian restaurant and it was quite good.
GreenReaper: Draconis: I've sent you an email.
dronon: Teaser trailer for How to Train Your Dragon 2. (Summer 2014)
Fred: Yarst! I've submitted this as a story. (I am backlogged about eight stories.)
dronon: Oops. Well, it's post-Anthrocon, it happens. I'm backlogged two. (One of which I'd like to keep backlogged for a while longer.)
GreenReaper: The link wasn't republished anyway; needed at least a // before the www to work on anything but IE. (Fixed now.)
GreenReaper: Leaping Madagascan lemurs keep safe by listening in to birds' calls.
GreenReaper: Death from above, cow style.
GreenReaper: Dolphins and other cetaceans recognized as "non-human persons" in India; parks to be closed. [O. Scribner]
Rakuen Growlithe: Monster rabbit stalking Minnesota.
GreenReaper: Hi to the ~5,000 who got a Flayrah flyer at #AC2013.
RingtailedFox: Huntingdon, Quebec mayor boasts about running over cats to QSPCA ... Don't tell Morris of Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico!
Fred: 19' (5.7 meters) python "hides" in shop in Queensland.
Fred: DreamWorks Animation plans to revive Lassie, but as live-action or animation? Will she be anthropomorphized or not? And what about Rin Tin Tin?
dronon: Canadians: If you're looking to buy Sofawolf books and other fandom titles without international shipping rates, there is now Ontario-based Bookshelf Bear.
dronon: Fan-made games: Sonic Before the Sequel, and Sonic After the Sequel.
dronon: The Saga of Rex, animated version, part one.
Higgs Raccoon: Snopes considers the Venezuelan Poodle Moth.
GreenReaper: Mutant mice fuel 8% rise in UK animal experimentation; use of primates jumps 22%.
GreenReaper: Do all Pixar characters live in the same universe?
dronon: Ursula Vernon's Digger has won the 2013 Mythopoeic Award for Adult Literature!
Higgs Raccoon: For those of us who missed it, giant squirrel swallows a little boy on America's Got Talent.
Patch Packrat: $2 million in fursuits, or thereabouts: Anthrocon's Guinness World Record fursuiter group photo.
Patch Packrat: Worldrecordacademy.com: Largest parade of people in fur suits.
crossaffliction: Cracked on Comic Con: fursuit is one word, not two. Also, Bill Watterson weirdness out of nowhere.
Kakurady: The Pan Am 2015 mascot has been revealed. It's Pachi the Porcupine. The costume actually looks pretty good.
GreenReaper: Yet another journalist thinks they're being original with "the fursuit of happiness".
GreenReaper: Ape researchers claim memory for past events "not unique to humans".
GreenReaper: Choice of avatar "may affect your behavior, attitudes, and perceptions", and how you experience real life.
GreenReaper: Furry creators: Care to share your stories? @ClawandQuill wants to help you tell them.
Fred: Chimps, orangutans have human-type memories. What about gorillas?
RingtailedFox: Let's meet Freddie the Fox Snake, mascot of the Herb Grey Parkway construction consortium’s conservation efforts!
Patch Packrat: VICE spots furries at Comic-Con. "Nothing warms my heart more than seeing interspecies love... it's like Romeo & Juliet for whimsical forest creatures."
GreenReaper: Researchers stretch bounds of plausibility to name new TCP congestion algorithm after Remy from Ratatouille.
GreenReaper: Race of rampaging raccoon rats revealed for upcoming MMORPG WildStar.
GreenReaper: MonsteRoo is for sale! Mangusu's green and black fursuit rocketed to $3150 in a three-way bidding war. [Kakurady]
GreenReaper: Raccoon makes bowl of cat food cereal. [Alex Randel]
GreenReaper: Scientists use volume, pitch of wolf howls to identify individuals.
GreenReaper: Listen to gray wolves howl.
Higgs Raccoon: A giant furry features in trailer for Saints Row IV.
GreenReaper: Wait . . . haven't we seen a blue and purple skydiving fursuiter before? (OK, @Keenora isn't a cat, but still . . .)
mailboxbooks: Rabbit Valley Comics weekly recap - Top shipped items, upcoming travel and new titles.
GreenReaper: Dolphins answer to their own 'name'.
mailboxbooks: Club Stripes, Cocktails, and other Hot Cider Press titles back in stock - get them fast!
GreenReaper: 'Hero' shrew can survive stomping.
crossaffliction: OH, HELL, NO! (The shot glass is pretty inappropriate, too.)
Patch Packrat: ^ Perfect gift for a friend if they're going to the furry meet at Folsom Street Fair (NSFW, don't google it).
mailboxbooks: We now have some of Watts Martin's digital titles in addition to his printed works as well as art from Kathi Day.
Higgs Raccoon: Save water. Shower with a friend.
GreenReaper: Site update: Most far-eastern comment spam should now be filtered out.
Fred: A Bird Brick that helps endangered house sparrows build nests in walls.
dronon: Russian scientists have built a statue to honor the work of laboratory mice in research.
dronon: A tree that's very popular with bears.
GreenReaper: Yellowstone wolves eat elk, saving berries for bears.
mwalimu: Liz Katz wishes she had a tail.
GreenReaper: Cheetahs not quick on the uptake in Carroll Ballard’s Duma.
earthfurst: 1st Lt. Brandon Harker returns from Afghanistan to find beloved dog probably sold by "friend".
Patch Packrat: An amazing collection of over 6,000 photos from Anthrocon 2013, by Lostwolf.
Fred: "Spiders may have personalities, and some are bolder than others."
Higgs Raccoon: Hedgehog tops poll to become UK's national emblem.

About the author
crossaffliction (Brendan Kachel) — read stories — contact (login required)a reporter and Red Fox from Hooker, Oklahoma, interested in movies, horror, stand up comedy
Formerly Wichita's only furry comic.
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