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FA: United attains landmark attendance, bacon consumption

Edited as of 14:12
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FA: United may have skipped a year, but it's clearly not done any harm, with a one-third rise in attendance and nearly triple the fursuit turnout.

500 pieces of bacon were provided for registration, but the final figure exceeded that by 10. The convention raised $2458 for the New Jersey SPCA.

Combination anime/furry/steampunk event NakamaCon was also held for the first time this weekend in Madison, Wisconsin, drawing somewhat less than 400 attendees. Huntsville's Rocket City FurMeet attracted 328 – a slight fall from last year, but they got good press.


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Yay for NakamaCon~
I thought I was going to be the only catgirl there :P

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i was a FA United on Saturday, i did not receive bacon!


...but it was a very nice con. ^^

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GreenReaper (Laurence Parry)read storiescontact (login required)

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