2001 Furry Reading List
Click below for the current copy of Fred Patten's Furry Recommended Reading List. I'll be maintaining a current copy of this list in a more permanent location, as well.
2001 Furry Recommended Reading/Viewing; plus questions to be considered to make decisions regarding eligibility
This list is derived from the ConFurence Group's new annual Anthropomorphic Literature & Arts of the Year Awards, and is intended to be used as a guide when sending in nominations at the end of the year. It is a work-in-progress that will be updated through the end of the year. Recommendations for additions are welcomed, since I am unlikely to discover every worthwhile novel, short story, TV series, comic strip or book, illustration, or game on my own; and the list should reflect more than just my personal tastes.
Best Anthropomorphic Motion Picture
Cats & Dogs
(Warner, July 2001)Dr. Dolittle 2
(Fox, June 2001)Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure
(Disney, February 2001)Planet of the Apes
(Fox, July 2001)Pokémon the Movie 3
(WB, April 2001)Shrek
(DreamWorks, May 2001)The Trumpet of the Swan
(TriStar, May 2001)The Pokémon 3 movie raises a question of eligibility. This was a 2001 release in America but a 2000 release in Japan. Does the original Japanese release make it too old to qualify as a 2001 movie? The answer should probably be yes, to be consistent with inviting non-American fans to nominate new 2001 releases in their countries. However, the eligi-bility of non-American works has been a subject of debate in the Hugo Awards for years. It sounds patronizing to say that a work should only be eligible when/if an American edition is published. Yet to rule that it is only eligible during the year of its publication in its own country is to virtually guarantee that it will not get enough nominations to place among the finalists, since the majority of the Awards' nominators and voters are American fans who will not have had a chance to see it. One suggestion that has had supporters is that non-American works should be eligible twice, once for their year of original publication in their homelands, and once for their first publication in America since that will be the first time that the Awards' voters will be able to judge them. If the Anthropomorphic Awards choose that option, then Pokémon The Movie 3 will count as a 2001 release.
Best Anthropomorphic TV Series
Between the Lions
(PBS stations, April 3, 2000 to present)
Best Anthropomorphic Novel
Arsenault, Scotty. Heebas. Serial in Furrlough; last two chapters in #97, January 2001, & #100, April 2001.
Barrett, Neal, Jr. The Treachery of Kings. Bantam Spectra Books, August 2001.
Baxter, Stephen. Mammoth, Book 3: Icebones. Orion/Victor Gollancz, July 2001.
Brown, Rita Mae. Claws and Effect. Bantam Books, March 2001.
Crane IV, Walter. Sheba, Volume II: The Falcon and the Flame. Sick Mind Press, Jan 2001.
Douglas, Carole Nelson. Cat in a Leopard Spot. Tom Doherty Assoc./Forge Books, Apr 2001.
Foster, Alan Dean. Kingdoms of Light. Warner Aspect, February 2001.
Garcia, Eric. Casual Rex. Villiard Books, March 2001.
Gear, W. Michael & Gear, Kathleen O'Neal. Dark Inheritance. Warner Books, March 2001.
Hilgartner, Beth. Cats in Cyberspace. Meisha Merlin, August 2001.
Kilworth, Garry. The Welkin Weasels #4: Gaslight Geezers. Young Corgi Books, July 2001.
Murphy, Shirley Rousseau. Cat Spitting Mad: A Joe Grey Mystery. HarperCollins, Jan. 2001.
Quick, William T. Planet of the Apes. Based on the motion picture screenplay by William Broyles, Jr. and Lawrence Konner & Mark D. Rosenthal. HarperEntertainment, August 2001.
Rowley, Christopher. The Shast War: The Second Book of Arna. ROC Books, February 2001.
Wentworth, K. D. Stars Over Stars. Baen Books, March 2001.
One question as yet unanswered is what is the word-length dividing line between a novel and a short story? This is pertinent due to Night's Daughter by John R. Plunkett and You Don't Believe by Matt J. McCullar, both published as novels in fanzine format by Fauxpaw Productions (Karl Maurer). Night's Daughter (July 2001) is 55 pages and You Don't Believe (also July 2001) is 80 pages. Both are either awfully short as novels or awfully long as short stories. Into which category should they fall?
Best Anthropomorphic Short Story
Green, David. "A Matter of Perspective", in Fur Visions #19, January 2001.
Hayden, Jim. "Niner-Thirteen", in Yarf! #61, January 2001.
Hoagland, Brock. The five individual stories in his Tales of Perissa (United Publications, July 2001).
Kieffer, Bill. "The Good Sport", on the Metamor Keep website, uploaded March 29, 2001. (http://transform.to/~metamor/story/The_Good_Sport.html. But posted on Kieffer's own website during mid-2000! Ineligible?)
Loewen, C. Alan. "Coventry House", in Pawprints Fanzine #12, Fall 2001.
Mellon, Mark. "The Brave Little Cockroach", in Anthrolations #3, January 2001.
Payne, Michael H. "Canis Major", in Anthrolations #4, July 2001.
Reid, Richard. "New World Awaiting: Claw and Shield", on Reid's Corwinda website, posted July 23, 2001. (http://www.ctnis.com/~corwinda/NWA6.htm)
Ruskin, Elan. "Moon Goddess", in Pawprints Fanzine #12, Fall 2001.
Wanderer. "Much Obliged", in Fang, Claw, & Steel #10, Winter 2001.
Best Anthropomorphic Other Literary Work
Anderson, Poul & Dickson, Gordon R. The Sound & the Furry: The Complete Hoka Stories. Science Fiction Book Club, April 2001. (Collection of short stories & one novel)
Hoagland, Brock. Tales of Perissa. United Publications, July 2001. (An 80-page collection of five short stories, despite being advertised as a "novel" and published in comic- book format as a comic book.)
Wager, Style & Older, Greg. Postcards from Gnome: The Second Dela the Hooda Treasury Collection. Jarlidium Press, July 2001. (Comic strip collection)
The collections of Internet comic strips published by Plan Nine Publishing will go here, although their most recent collections of anthropomorphic strips like Kevin & Kell, Newshounds, Ozy and Millie, and The Suburban Jungle were all published in late 2000. There will probably be new annual volumes of each before the end of 2001.
Best Anthropomorphic Comic Book or Strip
Comic Strips
For a comprehensive list of both newspaper and Internet Furry comic strips (without regard to quality), see The Belfry: Furry Comics Online (www.belfry.com/comics.html).
The Adventures of Fifine
Backing Out
Campus Safari
The Changing Workplace
Dela the Hooda
A Doemain of Our Own
Faux Paws
Gene Catlow
Journey to the West
Kevin & Kell
Kit n Kay Boodle
Liberty Meadows
Lost & Found Investigations
Misty the Mouse
Namir Deiter
Over the Hedge
Ozy and Millie
Sabrina Online
Sherman's Lagoon
The Suburban Jungle
Unlike Minerva
Comic Books
(RABCO Publishing, 2001 issues starting with #1, Spring)Extinctioners
(SFA, irregular, 2001 issues starting with #9, April)FurNation
(FurNation Multimedia, 2001 issues starting with #2, undated [July])Furrlough
(Radio Comix, monthly, 2001 issues starting with #97, January)Genus
(Radio Comix, bi-monthly, 2001 issues starting with #46, February)Katmandu
(SFA, irregular, 2001 issues starting with #23, January)SFA Spotlights
(SFA, irregular, 2001 issues starting with #10, February)Shanda the Panda
(SFA, irregular, 2001 issues starting with #31, February)Usagi Yojimbo
(Dark Horse, monthly, 2001 issues starting with v. III #45, January)Wild Side
(United Publications, irregular, 2001 issues starting with 2001 Annual)Havoc, Inc. has not published any issues during 2001, although Terrie Smith says that issue #9 is due before the end of the year.
Another problem title is Ginga Legend Weed, vol. 1, by Yoshihiro Takahashi. Comics-One Corp., March 2001, 238 pages. Weed is a translation into English of the first volume of a Japanese manga novel, published in the Japanese paperback manga format. The characters are all talking animals (dogs), like Adams' The Plague Dogs or Watership Down. In America, translations of graphic novels like Koike & Kojima's Lone Wolf and Cub, Otomo's Akira, and Tezuka's Adolf (and Spiegelman's Maus, for that matter) are ambiguously considered both comic books and novels, but are usually categorized in bookshops as Comic Books. More pertinent questions here are whether Weed volume 1 should be eligible as a new 2001 work when it was first published in Japan in 1999 (I would say "yes"; the translation is a new 2001 work); and whether it is eligible for 2001 when it is only the first volume of a continuing serial. (I would say "no". If Scotty Arsenault's Heebas is eligible this year because 2001 is when its last chapters were published, then to be consistent Weed's eligibility should also be in the year its final volume is published.) What do others think?
Best Anthropomorphic Fanzine
(2001 issues start with #3, January)Fang, Claw, and Steel
(2001 issues start with #10, Winter 2001)Fur Plus
(2001 issues start with #10, April)Fur Visions
(2001 issues start with #19, January)Gallery
(2001 issues start with #41, Winter)HistoriMorphs
(2001 issues starting with #1, July)Huzzah!
(2001 issues start with #41, February)North American Fur
(2001 issues start with #8, April)Pawprints Fanzine
(2001 issues start with #12, Fall 2001 [announced as final issue])South Fur Lands
(2001 issues start with #20, March)Tales of the Tai-Pan Universe
(2001 issues start with #26, March)Yarf!
(2001 issues start with #61, January)
Best Anthropomorphic Published Illustration
DiAntonis, Brenda "XianJaguar". Cover of Fur Visions #20, April 2001.
Gallacci, Steve. Cover of HistoriMorphs #1, July 2001.
Hahn, Stephanie. Illustration to "Drowning in Moonlight", by Andrija Popovic, in Anthro- lations #3, January 2001, page 28.
Holbrook, Bill. Cover of Anthrocon 2001 Program Book, July 2001.
Kidd, Thomas. Dust jacket painting for The Sound & the Furry: The Complete Hoka Stories, by Poul Anderson & Gordon R. Dickson, April 2001.
Kliefoth, Karena. Cover of Anthrolations #3, January 2001.
Maitz, Don. Dust jacket painting for Kingdoms of Light, by Alan Dean Foster, February 2001.
McAdam, Marci. Cover of Huzzah! #41, February 2001.
Mleynek, Natasha "Dark Natasha". Cover of Furrlough #102, June 2001.
Wong, Conrad. Illustration to "The Merchant's Daughter", by Carmen Welsh, Jr., in Pawprints Fanzine #12, Fall 2001, page 36.
Wyman, Vicky. Cover of Tales of Perissa, by Brock Hoagland, July 2001.
? The movie poster for Cats & Dogs. (But the official Cats & Dogs website showing the poster, has a 2000 copyright date. How long ago was the poster first published?)
Monika Livingstone's cover for the ConFurence 12 Program Book is good enough to qualify, but since the Awards are administered by the ConFurence Group, there would be a definite conflict of interest in making its own publications eligible.
Best Anthropomorphic Game
World Tree
, by Bard Bloom & Victoria Borah Bloom. Padwolf Publishing, January 2001.Jadeclaw; Anthropomorphic Fantasy Role-Play, was being advertised at Anthrocon by Sanguine Productions Ltd. as "coming soon", before the end of 2001.
Nominations (up to five in each category) for the first annual Anthropomorphic Literature & Arts of the Year Awards should be sent in at the end of 2001/beginning of 2002, between December 1, 2001 and January 7, 2002, to:
ConFurence Group
(attention: Annual Awards)
P. O. Box 84721
San Diego, California 92138-4721
or e.mail to:
The decision to limit this list and the new annual Anthropomorphic Awards to nine categories was made for reasons of practicality. (1) The more categories there are, the longer it takes to make and send in nominations. The ConFurence Group does not want to make the process of sending in nominations so complex that fans are discouraged from taking the time to do so. (2) Similarly, the Awards will be presented at an Awards Ceremony at the ConFurence in April. There should not be so many categories that the presentation lasts so long that everyone gets bored. (3) Attractive award trophies usually cost at least $50 each; often much more for a specially-designed trophy. Nine trophies are already a considerable investment.
Despite this, the ConFurence Group does not want to ignore works of creativity that deserve their own category. Issues that were raised and need more discussion were whe-ther Comic Strips and Comic Books should have separate categories, and whether there should be categories for Best Fursuits, Best Anthropomorphic Music/Filksong, Best Anthro-pomorphic Plushie/Toy/3D Art (some past examples: Sonic the Hedgehog action figures; statuettes of Erma Felna and Amy the Squirrel; Disney and Warner Bros. anthropomorphic character collectibles), or Best Anthropomorphic Website. One question is whether indivi-dual fursuits and art objects can be seen by enough fans worldwide to be able to compare them fairly. Your opinions are solicited.
Send recommendations for this list to: Fred Patten
11863 West Jefferson Boulevard
Culver City, California 90230-6322

About the author
Aureth — read stories — contact (login required)an agronomist and Cornwuff from Northern Illinois, interested in sf, homebrewing, photography and running
What no The Class Menagerie?
This is a serious Ommision.
I didn't make the list either. Guess I'll just have to try harder :)
-Allen Kitchen
Reality is not only stranger than we think, it's stranger than we CAN think!
I've already submitted a few updates. If something is missing that you think should be there, please e-mail Fred.
Since the list was originally generated, Fred has sent out a note stating that an updated version of the list will be released twice a month on the 1st and 15th until the list organizers believe they have a reasonably complete list of works released during the year 2001, which menas of course that the process will extend at least into early next year.
Do furry aliens count?
There is at least one title on the list that features furry aliens, K. D. Wentworth's Stars Over Stars, so I would assume the answer is yes. If you're not sure if something qualifies, submit it anyway and let the list compilers decide whether or not to include it.
Yes, furry aliens count. Some of the most popular Furry fiction have been Anderson & Dickson's "Hoka" stories and Piper's "Little Fuzzy" novels.
Fred Patten
Freighter Tails should definitely be includes in the comic strip category.
Richard Reid
Captain; Webship Corwinda
Okay, I will add "Freighter Tails". It is safer to send recommendations directly to me, though, than hope that I will see them as a comment to this public posting.
Fred Patten
I have one or two questions 1) How are the "nominees" selected and by whom 2) How the winners selected and by whom?
Thr rules for sending in nominations, and how the winners are selected, are on the "ConFurence Group creates new annual awards" announcement posted here on August 3. Nominations do not open until December 1. This Recommended Reading List got started because so many fans were saying, "How will I know what's worth nominating?" Hopefully fans will find the list worthwhile whether they want to participate in the awards or not.
Fred Patten
Got ya. I understand. Thanks Fred!
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