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The Annie Award Nominations for 2023

Edited by GreenReaper as of Fri 3 May 2024 - 17:52
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The International Animated Film Society (ASIFA) recently announced the nominations for the 2024 Annie Awards, celebrating the best of animation in 2023. Needless to say, there was a lot of anthropomorphic material being shown off last year! The shape-shifting little rebel known as Nimoma walked away with the most nominations: Nine in all, including Best Editing, Best Writing, Best Voice Acting (for Nimona herself, Chloë Grace Moretz), Best Storyboards, Best Production Design, Best Directing, Best Character Design, Best Character Animation, and Best Animated Feature Film (whew!). Not far behind was Hayao Miyazaki’s swan-song (heron-song?) The Boy and the Heron, with seven nominations including Best Feature. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem and Pixar’s Elemental followed with six nominations each. Rather a surprising one was Robot Dreams (directed by Pablo Berger) which brought in five nominations including Best Independent Feature Film — the latter shared by Earnest and Celestine: A Trip To Gibberitia and Four Souls of Coyote. Nominations for Best Animation in a Live Action Production include Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3, The Little Mermaid, Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, and Cocaine Bear (!). Some interesting anthro films with one nomination each include Migration (Voice Acting), Super Mario Brothers (also Voice Acting), and Leo (for Editing). Over on the TV & Series side of things, the one to beat is Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, with four nominations, but there are also multiple nods for Hilda and My Dad the Bounty Hunter. See all the nominees over at the Annie Awards web site, and watch for the winners when the awards are given out on Saturday, February 17th. (And don’t forget: Nominations for the 2024 Ursa Major Awards will open up soon as well. Be ready!)

image c. 2024 Netflix


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In the end I was disappointed with Nimona. People let their emotions get in the way of doing what was right to protect themselves - and the kingdom.

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It's really reassuring when our editor gets in one of his "Just so you all know, if the chips are ever down, I will cut you down and never look back. Okay, bye, thanks for reading!" comments.

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Not just you, but half the city! You'd be in good company.

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Mink (Rod O’Riley)read storiescontact (login required)

a Mink from Garden Grove, California, interested in music

Ed-otter of In-Fur-Nation. Former Califur programming director. Co-founder of ConFurence.