Andy Panda caught up in Trump/Russian collusion scandal?
However, this is a furry news site, so what does this have to do with anthropomorphic arts or entertainment?
Well the author of the email sent to Trump Jr. to get this meeting set up was apparently made by an eccentric individual by the name of Rob Goldstone. The full story of their interaction and background can be read on Salon’s “Insane in Moscow”: The unbelievable but partly true story of the zany English publicist, the Azerbaijani pop sensation and the “high-quality” presidential offspring”.
In it they point out an oddity, that Rob Goldstone’s privatized Instagram account had a picture of what appears to be Mr. Goldstone in a panda suit. The Salon's contributor Andrew O'Hehir is quick to point out that this is actual a suit of the character from a British television show.
Rob Goldstone is beautiful. Rob Goldstone is magic. Rob Goldstone is a person who owns a P.R. agency that gives off a strong vibe of “we make porn” and has a picture of himself in a panda suit atop his now-shuttered Instagram feed. (In fairness, Goldstone is not a “furry,” I don’t think. He’s a fan of the British kids’ TV character Andy Pandy. Maybe that’s worse!)
I guess 'Andy Pandy' may be well on their way to join the list of growing infamous pandas in the furry world.
However there is an issue here, according to Wikipedia Andy Pandy and Andy Panda are two different properties. Literally the page for one tells you not to confuse it with the content on the other page. You got to be careful here O'Hehir, the Trumps may use this innocent error to point out you're fake news! To be fair, though, it was probably an honest mistake, that wasn't helped by the fact that a video of Mr. Goldstone that became pretty viral at this story was him reliving a scene from the actual show of Andy Pandy.
Special thanks goes to Brand Strangelove for giving me a lead on this story via Instant Messanger.

About the author
Sonious (Tantroo McNally) — read stories — contact (login required)a project coordinator and Kangaroo from CheektRoowaga, NY, interested in video games, current events, politics, writing and finance
Let’s see the difference. Here’s Walter Lantz’s Andy Panda, including the Andy Panda theme song.
Here is Andy Pandy.
They aren’t even the same species! Andy Pandy is human. If Rob Goldstone was wearing an Andy Pandy costume, he wasn’t being furry at all.
Fred Patten
I would comment but I'm afraid someone might throw drugs over to the comment section and they'll hit me on the head.
"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~
Donald Trump says the border wall with Mexico needs to be a transparent wall because otherwise Americans might be walking next to the wall and get hit on the head by large packages of drugs that the Mexicans throw over. -.-
"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~
I think I once told (Canadia) Cassidy two watch her mouth talking about the president, but that was back in 2015 or so, and a lot's changed since then, so Canadians, South Africans, whatever, you're cool now.
The only reasonably good idea I head from them in regards to the wall was the idea of making it a solar farm as well. Of course, there's a lot of things about how feasible it could actually be to hybridize a wall and a solar farm since the later takes up more square footage and is horizontal more than vertical (cause the wall would case shadows on itself and prevent its function at times.
If they could get it to work though, then you could kind of have Mexico pay for the wall if we chose to provide the nearby towns with electric from it.
But as I said, it sounds good on paper (what intern came up with it that Trump of course took full credit for, I have no idea). The question would be the cost/feasibility of something like that.
I'm certain its practicality would vary on the location, and it is quite an expansive border.
Also being smarter with our drug policies in general would lower the need for such things.
They might throw drugs over Trump's 30-foot (or was it 40-foot) tall wall and hit somebody who just happens to be strolling along the other side? What are they, using rocket launchers or catapaults or something? Maybe they're strapping on jetpacks and flying over the wall with their drugs...
I usually don't get political in the furry world, but OUR PRESIDENT IS A WORLD CLASS F***ING MORON, not to mention "coward bully cad and thief." (Bonus points if you get the reference.) I'm going to stop right here and now, otherwise I'll fill up the rest of this box and more venting.
- Joe
"coward bully cad and thief."
We can only hope he ponders his misspent life.
At first I thought that had to be a joke and did some research and ... yeah, he really said that.
You can't make this stuff up.
"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~
That's Andy Pandy and not the Walter Lanz Andy Panda character.
Still, this is whole lotta cringe.
6.5/10, I clicked.
Well, I'll be...
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