Flayrah's top stories in 2010
Posted by GreenReaper (Laurence Parry) on Mon 3 Jan 2011 - 17:37 — Edited as of Thu 31 Jan 2013 - 03:18
It's almost a year since our relaunch. Over 300 stories later, which are worth a second look?
Most commented
- Softpaw publishers close after five year run (313)
- e621 'closed down permanently' after legal threats (198)
- Anthrocon bans fur over open carry (189)
- Boomer The Dog seeks legal name change (184)
- Fur Affinity loses AlertPay account, bans cub porn (83)
- 2009 Ursa Majors open, but not to all (64)
- Dragon otherkin Starblade, 26, stabbed to death (38)
- Furries to be tonight's topic on 'Your Time with Kim Iverson' (33)
- Therian calls Loveline; describes erotic side of furry (33)
- Fur Affinity attack results in privacy violations (30)
- Fur Affinity bans mature loli, shota; restricts unoriginal work (28)
- 2009 Ursa Major Award winners (24)
- A fringefur's report on Anthrocon 2010 (20)
- Previous years' debates
Highest rated
- Video: Furries – an inside look
- San Francisco's CBS 5 covers Further Confusion
- 'Lost Side of Suburbia' goes furry
- Brazilian TV show Fantástico covers local furs, LondonFurs
- Windsor citizens rally after man charged with dog abuse
- Photo: Fursuiters support Team Canada at the Olympics
- Fur Affinity loses AlertPay account, bans cub porn
- Derek Paws reported dead after auto accident
- Video: European fursuiters demonstrate Microsoft Kinect
- SoFurry 2.0 interface preview released
Editor's choice
- Furry Night Live skit causes laughter, offense
- 2009 charity donations down; $490,000 raised this decade
- Sonic turns hotel room into Green Hill Zone, also bans squirrel
- IndyFurCon outgrows hotel six months before launch
- Video: A day in the life of a Sparkle Dog
- Russian furs look north to summer event
- A spot of furry wordwatching
- FC 2010 Dealer's room - unofficial statistics
- Ning to drop free services; communities face fees
- Overgrowth: a fighting game with furry rabbit ninjas
- Arizona Senate votes to ban human-animal hybrids
- Eastern U.S. bats on verge of extinction
- BBC Three's 'Mongrels' exposes puppetry to adult audience
- Antheria changes hotel ten days before launch
- Shanda Fantasy Arts to close; final issues next year
- 'Epic Mickey' for Wii spotlights classic funny animal characters
- "Cartoon Law" comes into effect, effectively bans minor furry pornography in the UK
Does the "Cartoon Law" really affect furries?
The recent "Cartoon Law" story should be retracted
Busiest polls
- What brings you to the fandom? (98 votes)
- Who's going to Anthrocon 2010? (73 votes)
- How many furry characters have you had? (67 votes)
- Within furry fandom, I most enjoy (66 votes)
- Do you expect commissioners of non-digital furry works to own the physical work? (47 votes)
- Furry is a . . . (45 votes)
- More polls
- GreenReaper (Laurence Parry) — 221 stories
- Rakuen Growlithe — 16 stories
- The Chained Wolf (Ian Wolf) — 13 stories
- Treesong — 13 stories
- Frysco (Francisco Azinsan) — 7 stories
- crossaffliction (Brendan Kachel) — 4 stories
- mwalimu (Joe McCauley) — 4 stories
- Alexander Grey — 3 stories (+FurteanTimes)
- Scani — 3 stories
- RingtailedFox — 3 stories
- foxxinabox (Foxx (in a box)) — 3 stories
- Cubist (Quentin Long) — 3 stories
- Potoroo — 3 stories
- PeterCat — 3 stories
- Higgs Raccoon — 2 stories
- Paraducks — 2 stories
- Kakurady — 2 stories
- Jazzepi (Jewel) — 2 stories
- panda (Panda) — 1 story
- jasper-bear (Jasper) — 1 story
- Shining River — 1 story
- eaglebeagle (Just EB) — 1 story
- Jigsaw Forte — 1 story
- Jet Dingo — 1 story
- DarkFoxDK (Martin Eberhardt) — 1 story
- ShadoWolf800 (Shado) — 1 story
- Xodiac — 1 story
- dronon — 1 story
- Rabbit — 1 story
- Allicorn — 1 story
- Crassus — 1 story
- Previous Flayrah contributors
My sincere thanks to everyone who contributed to Flayrah's rebirth, whether by writing a story, commenting, voting, or sending visitors our way.
There wouldn't be a site without you. And if you didn't do any of these last year . . . well, there's no time like the present. Tell your friends!

About the author
GreenReaper (Laurence Parry) — read stories — contact (login required)a developer, editor and Kai Norn from London, United Kingdom, interested in wikis and computers
Small fuzzy creature who likes cheese & carrots. Founder of WikiFur, lead admin of Inkbunny, and Editor-in-Chief of Flayrah.
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