We’ve covered Good Boy from Source Point Press before… but how about one of Good Boy Flint’s most dangerous adversaries? Well it turns out last year Source Point gave that very feline her own moment to shine with the Bad Girl Premium Ash Can. “From the pages of Good Boy, Bad Girl follows an excommunicated mercenary who is pulled back into service for one reason: Kill Flint Sparx.” It’s still available, written by Garrett Gunn and illustrated by Kit Wallis.
Website Hugo Award
Posted by Micah on Mon 26 Mar 2001 - 16:06A special Hugo will be awarded at the 2002 Worldcon, ConJose, for best sf/f website. Read more here at SF Wire, or at ConJose's page about the new award. So anyone going to vote for us? *grin*
Following up the sale of the furrymuck.* domains....
Posted by Feren on Mon 26 Mar 2001 - 08:47Some of you who have been following the news may have noticed that the Ebay auction for the furrymuck.org, .com and .net domains has disappeared. Read on for Darrel's Exline's post to AFF in regards to what happened:
Bill Hanna of Hanna/Barbera Fame Passes Away
Posted by Rev_Boxer on Sat 24 Mar 2001 - 18:36This article on Animation World Network reports the passing of the 90-year old Bill Hanna after a lengthy illness. Hanna and his partner, Joseph Barbera created such beloved cartoon characters as Tom and Jerry, The Flintstones, The Jetsons, Yogi Bear, Huckleberry Hound and Scooby-Doo.
Sofawolf Press Moves to New Website
Posted by Micah on Thu 22 Mar 2001 - 13:52After experiencing some trouble with their current DNS provider, Sofawolf Press has finally moved to sofawolf.com (from sofawolf.org). There's a new website design and more information on current projects, submissions and advertising... so check it out and pester Eddy with questions. *grin*
Emergency Vets... no, not the TV show.
Posted by Feren on Thu 22 Mar 2001 - 08:37CNN put up an article about emergency vets. It's a short, fairly light read but interesting none the less. A few vets are interviewed about what some of their more memorable patients, how their days normally progress and why they do it. Alongside the article is a sidebar of various schools and colleges that teach vetinary medicine. If you're interested in going into the vetinary field give it a skim and then check out some of the schools that are listed. Some, such as the University of Minnesota, are very well known for their courses. Others might come as a surprise. There's also an online survey, which I found to be very oddly worded, that you might like to take.
Voice Of Underdog's Polly Purebread Passes Away
Posted by Rev_Boxer on Wed 21 Mar 2001 - 14:15This article on Animation World Network reports that Norma Macmillan, the voice of UNDERDOG's Sweet Polly Purebread, passed away last Friday at the age of 79. She was also the voice of Goo and other characters on THE GUMBY SHOW, Davey's sister Sally on DAVEY & GOLIATH and Kokette on MEAN MOE.
All-animal cast film available at Movies Unlimited
Posted by Feren on Wed 21 Mar 2001 - 10:00The 1947 film Bill and Coo, which won an Academy Award for novel use of the medium of motion pictures, is now available at Movies Unlimited.com. I own a copy of this film and have to say it's a real treat for the animal lover, especially if you're a fan of avians. The cast is composed entirely of trained birds, with two love birds as the stars and a crow as the villian. It has a cute storyline, a nifty setting built to scale for the birds, and actually received praise from Leonard Maltin. No small feat, that.
Nine lives are sound-based...
Posted by Feren on Wed 21 Mar 2001 - 09:06Slashdot recently featured a blurb referencing an article in The Daily Telegraph that discusses how cats "heal themselves" by purring. It's a rather interesting article that touches on the benefits of exposure to low-frequency sound for both felines and humans. It doesn't talk about HOW cats purr, however, so if you're looking for that you'll have to hit the vet texts. The article also references some of the extraordinary accidents that cats have been involved in and survived (for example a 45-story fall).
Help Pigs in Florida!
Posted by Micah on Tue 20 Mar 2001 - 14:19Florida voters have an opportunity to promote legislation that will prevent cruelty to pigs used to produce meat. If we're going to eat them, we should treat them with some dignity and respect. Visit bancruelfarms.org for more information on how you can help, and some really heart-wrenching photographs.
Animal Cams
Posted by Feren on Tue 20 Mar 2001 - 11:03Animal Planet has a web page devoted to live webcam sites specifically aimed at animals. Included are a shark cam, a penguin cam, a rhino cam and more. The page also sports a link to yet more cameras listed off of Discovery.Com (parent of Animal Planet). This listing has far more links, with links to a camera in a pet shelter, a lion camera, hippos and more. Take a peek!
Korean website speaks out against consumption of dogs and cats....
Posted by Feren on Tue 20 Mar 2001 - 07:37The Korea Animal Protection Society is an organization dedicated "to preventing cruelty to and educating people about animals." It was founded in 1991 by Sunnan Kum, who is attempting to extend the benefit of a caring shelter to animals that are still being raised in illegal "dog farms" for butchers (a 1991 law prohibits the consumption of dogs or cats). Evidentally she faces quite an uphill struggle, as her organization has had to euthanize several animals that were in the her care and termed untreatable, something that the Korean culture treats as essentially taboo, "...even if the animal is suffering. Many Koreans believe any life, however bad, is better than death."
World watches and waits for environmental disaster...
Posted by Feren on Mon 19 Mar 2001 - 14:02It's strange. Less than 24 hours ago I submitted an article about how oil companies want to drill in the Alaskan Wildlife Refuge. I briefly remarked that this is something we cannot permit to happen, because no matter how careful the oil companies are the risk of a spill and ecological disaster occuring is far too high. Now I find an article from the BBC News about the world's largest oil rig providing a frightening example of what I was writing about yesterday: disaster can, and will, happen at any time.
FurryMUCK domains for sale.
Posted by Feren on Mon 19 Mar 2001 - 00:08http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1222200152 is Dwight Dutton's sale of the FurryMUCK .com, .org and .net addresses. He's selling all three of them as a set. I did a check and yes, he does own these domains and thus is entitled to sell them. According to Dwight he had a bid on the set 10 minutes after putting them up for auction, so it sounds like a change will definately be occuring. But, since nothing was hosted on them before I don't see this as being a particularly big deal, outside of the name itself. FurryMUCK's site all runs off the furry.* domains, so....
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Threatened
Posted by Feren on Sun 18 Mar 2001 - 23:02The Alaska Wildlife Alliance is asking for help in its crusade to save the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge from legislation that would allow oil companies to drill there. According to the website the ANWR "represents the only portion (5%) of Alaska's north slope that is not currently open to drilling." That's a significant percentage of land, even though it may not seem like a lot. To be fair, oil companies DO try not to allow spills or leaks to happen. Public opinion is against them enough as it is, which costs them a lot. Not to mention it's in their best interests not to lose any of their product. But, regardless of those facts, accidents can and will happen, and those accidents endanger and destroy countless species as well as harm the environment as a whole. It's in our interest to keep this land set aside and away from human intervention, as it was originally intended.
Next time you go to the circus, don't bring any peanuts....
Posted by Feren on Sun 18 Mar 2001 - 18:17According to this article at CNN, legislators in Maine are working to ban elephants from any circuses that visit the area. The concern is that these animals, frequently used as "beasts of burden" to erect and then tear down structures used in the circus are being mistreated. I don't mean to sound cynical, but the following quote from the article is taken from the brainchild of this legislation. It made me consider this as a well-intended but utterly misguided effort:
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