Radio Comix Opens Shopping Cart System

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It took a couple of years, but Radio Comix has finally created an easy-to-use shopping cart system to order comic books online! Using PayPal's shopping cart system, furry fans can order their favorite comic books with the simple click of a button, and pay using their Visa, Mastercard, American Express or PayPal account.

For more information on ordering Radio Comix titles, visit their web site at

Comic Store Manager Sentenced to Six Months in Jail

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According to CBLDF Appeals Retailer Conviction, Jesus Castillo, a comic shop owner, was sentenced to 180 days in jail, a year's probation, and a $4000 fine for selling a comic (Demon Beast Invasion #2) to an adult.

"Face-Clawing" Monster Attacks Indian Citizens

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Villagers in India have been reportedly attacked by a creature they describe as "something flashing blue, red or green that strikes only at faces and only at night".

The creature has been dubbed "Muhnochwa" or "face-clawing monster". Persons accused of being the Muhnochwa have been murdered, and entire towns deserted in fear of it.

Full story at ABC

Bull and bears in advertisements...

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USA Today has an article, Bull, bear show up together in ads for trading about the use of furries in advertisements. and their effectiveness I got a grin from the following quote:

Such icons "are an easier, more palatable way for people to accept they've lost half their money."

Furry Story Site going away

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Hi all.

Those of you who want to get copies of my stories from my webpage have less than 2 weeks to download them. All the stories including "My Tutor has 6 tails," "Far from Home," and the rest of the webpage will cease to be in a little while.

Why, you ask? The answer is simple and out of my control. The ISP I've used for the past 7 years is closing down. And when it goes bye-bye, my storage space (and account) go with it. They will shut down on August 30 of 2002.

Furnation temporarily offline

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Furnation is temporarily offline after their service provider filed Chapter 11 and abruptly cut off their service. They have found another provider and hope to be back up on Monday, but the new provider is asking a $350 setup fee.

There is more information at the Furnation website, including how to make donations to help offset the setup fee.

More (probably unpleasant) Furry Press via Savage Love on 8/21

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If you read The Onion or any number of other publications you may have seen the less-than-flattering response to a question about furry published in the August 7th column of "Savage Love" (Savage Love is a question/answer column written by sex advice guru Dan Savage). Unsurprisingly there was an overwhelming response to his take on the fandom, its origins and interests. His August 14th column has a small blurb at the bottom that reads "Next week in Savage Love: Furries speak! And roll over! And go on the carpet! And attempt to chew me a furry new asshole!"

Judging by the last part I think we can safely guess that a large portion of the feedback he got was little more than flaming rhetoric -- and if there's one thing Dan loves to do it is to dish back as good as he's gotten. We can expect fireworks next week for sure.

Animal drop off box 'invented' by vet

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A vet in Germany has created a special drop off flap at his office for people who don't want their pets anymore to get rid of them with anonymity. The flap leads to a plush box, which is then opened by the vet, who will vaccinate and adopt out the animal without ever having seen the owner.
As scummy as the sort of people USING this box might come across as, there is definatly a need, as often pets are simply left at the side of the road to avoid dealing with an animal shelter. Strangly enough, a nunnery and orphanage in Brazil has a similar drop off box... for unwanted babies.

Zoo animals perish in flooded Prague

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According to the BBC, several animals in the Prague Zoo have fallen victim to the terrible flooding there.

Conifur Northwest expands sponsorship benefits

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Conifur Northwest is pleased to announce an expansion of our sponsorship program: we've devised some nice new rewards for those who help us out. You can read all about them here, or click on "Read more" to see a summary.

Chimps in Uganda take up arms - The Wife Beaters of Kibale

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From "Until now, devising tools to inflict pain and death seemed to be something only humans did. To be sure, lots of animals use tools. Sea otters employ rocks to crack open shellfish. Crows in New Caledonia extract insects from foliage with twigs—or even bent wire—held in their beaks. Chimps will use sticks and stones for all sorts of purposes, including flailing and throwing them to impress rivals. But for all the theatrics of these so-called threat displays, no one before now had ever seen an ape use a stick to beat another ape."

"There are sound evolutionary reasons for this. Predators don't need weapons; they are weapons. During internecine wars, chimps will rip one another apart with their teeth and hands. Indeed, a good deal of evolutionary ingenuity has gone into the development of greeting and submission rituals to ward off lethal aggression."

Edible crayons might be new market for soy

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There's a lot of soy in the world. So besides creating adhesives, heavy metal filters and biofuel, we can enjoy a future of edible crayons. No, just because you ate them when you were four doesn't make the old wax ones edible. The perfect tool for the starving artist!

Buy Huzzah! (and other titles) direct...

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Taken from

From: Dwight J. Dutton (
Subject: You can buy Huzzah! direct from us again

Since Roz & I will not be represented at another convention for almost a
half a year, we finally set up the "e-commerce" site.

How to upstage an awards ceremony in three easy steps...

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1)Attend ceremony
2)Become overwhelmed by cute lobsters
3)Grab them from the pot before they're boiled and run down the driveway shouting "I'm saving the lobsters, I'm saving the lobsters!"

Burned Fur website is no more

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With the apparent disbanding of Burned Fur, the registration of the domain "" was allowed to lapse. The domain was snapped up on August 7th by one of the numerous cybersquatting companies out on the 'net and turned into a site peddling the usual pornography seen in other such cases.

If you've got a link to on your site you probably will want to remove it at this point. Nothing to see here, move along, move along...

From the Yerf Archive